DISCLAIMER This presentation is my personal view and not necessarily that of the City of Cape Town or IMFO.
TRAINING – WHAT ARE THE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS The need for training. The commitment needed for training. The impact of training. The costs of training.
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS 2007 Needed for staff lacking required training and experience Staff with the knowledge and proven expertise? Grandfather Clause not considered. Registered Municipal Accountants Act. Highhanded attitude not appreciated. 6.Credit control The City shall not conduct any business activity with or provide any services to any persons who are in arrears (10) The City Manager may reverse any benefit received should a debtor fall into arrears after receiving such benefit. (11) The City Manager has a right to conduct a full credit check on any person who is or who will become subject to this policy. 7.Query, verify or dispute all queries shall be dealt with as promptly and efficiently as possible by the City
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS CONSEQUENCES Training persons to meet the deadline. Huge demand on working time – Office and Home. Huge costs to employers – value for money? Huge impact on service delivery to be compliant.
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS 2007 – MEETING THE DEADLINE Regulations a reality Audit 2014 – Comply or qualify Councils delayed starting with the training. Training hockey stick attack on senior staff time.
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS 2007 – NT ASSISTANCE Circular 60 Recognition for Prior Learning. Continued employment impacted. Special Merit Cases (SMC). 12. Other debt The City reserves the right to refuse to accept or to cancel such further payment methods if a payment is returned as unpaid 13.Arrangements Those who have the facility to sign a debit order with their financial institutions shall do so (11) Should the debtor default the following will apply: (a) The debtor must pay the shortfall of the arrangement and thereafter continue with the terms and conditions of the arrangement; or (b) enter into a new arrangement in terms of this policy.
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS 2007 – SMC CONDITIONS Application by the municipality Commitment by Municipal Manager to fast-track compliance Quarterly progress reports Application received by NT by 7 September NT will consider extending deadline to 1 July (19) Notwithstanding sub-item (9) (a) and (b) above, the City Manager may determine that the current account, interest, disconnection, reconnection charges including any cost of installing any prepayment meter and any costs of installing a water management device, be excluded from the initial payment, when entering into an arrangement; or (21) Where a tenant or occupier wishes to make an arrangement the following will apply: (a) Item 12 (5) must at all times be complied with; (b) where the rental is insufficient or there is no rental paid by the tenant or the occupier an arrangement to recover the monthly current account and the property debt must be entered into in terms of the conditions and requirements of this policy;
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS 2007 – SMC CONDITIONS (2) Appointment of “not yet competent staff”. Must have relevant qualifications, experience and competencies. Motivation why a qualified person could not be appointed. Plan of action to obtain the required competency level. Provide a 18 month grace period as from 1 January 2013 to comply!
REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM COMPETENCY LEVELS 2007 – MAKE IT HAPPEN Accounting Officers must implement the MFMA. Municipalities must provide resources or opportunities to officials. Municipalities must report progress every six months. Officials must make the effort to become competent (again). Service delivery must be managed during training. Make the best of this challenge, we are all in this boat!
IMFO MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES THE MINIMUM COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS IMFO Senior Associates meet the Minimum Competency Level. IMFO still require Accounting III for Associate/Senior Associate level. IMFO contributions to accredited and hands-on training add value. There are exciting developments – will keep members posted. Become part of this Institute and help build Municipal Finance Management. Special attraction for Western Cape Branch Members for 2012/13.
IMFO CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) Skills and knowledge requirements change over time. Legislation change over time. Municipal officials need regular training and development opportunities. Compulsory for Fellows, Senior Associates/Associates and Licentiates. Voluntary for Junior Members. 100 hours per 3 year rolling cycle, 25 hours per individual year.
IMFO CPD AND MUNICIPALITIES Municipalities must support training, development and CPD: To always have professional competent staff employed To expand the pool of professional competent staff to appoint Must accept that staff are trained for Local Government Councils could expand their own training and development of staff. Perception that some attend training and development opportunities To get off work To add to their CV Not adding any value to the training by not interacting Not implementing any new knowledge or skills 20.Tariff structure The free basic services and the rates rebate referred to in this Chapter will be as determined by Council from time to time 21.Excess consumption Any consumer who uses in excess of any free allocation of services, will be charged for those services
CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Your own development: Are you sitting back waiting for others to do it for you? Whose career is it? You are the only person that can embrace the training offered. Development of others: Hand over a more competent entity than what you inherited See your and their joy and pride when your staff excel Enjoy the improved services and value for money created.
Q uestions? T hank y ou