Technology Assessment ISAT 655 Fall 2005 Day 1
Overview Introduction What we are doing here How we will do it - syllabus Definitions Organizations and Technology
Dr. Geoffrey Egekwu 12 th Year as ISAT Professor Also teaches at EMU graduate school 11 years of Industrial experience Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Nebraska, Lincoln M.S. - Industrial Engineering Master of Business Administration B.S. - Chemical Engineering
Who are you? Name Job Background – including technical expertise Why are you in the M.S. program? What do you hope to learn in this class?
ISAT 655 Overview To understand the management issues around technology in organizations To understand some theoretical foundations of technology and technological innovation Technology evolution and/or forecasting Technology diffusion To share experiences as we apply technology assessment tools To understand social context (ethical/legal/social issues) of technology Explore use of technological innovation as a strategic tool
Syllabus Text and other resources Assignments Grading Outline of topics
Techniques to be used in class Training and Mentoring Hands-on practice Active help for application of concepts Teaming Guest lectures Continual Learning Find new ideas and adopt best practices
Definitions Information Technology Innovation Management
Definitions: Information “knowledge communicated or received concerning some fact or circumstance..” facts become information if they are communicated and used in some way information is an organizational resource that leads to knowledge and organizational decision-making.
Definition - Technology Technology focuses on finding solutions to problems and meeting needs in the real world It includes products, processes and systems; and takes into account the environment in which it is developed and deployed - i.e.socially constructed
Technological development as levels of activities Tacit - knowledge that resides with individuals Codified/Verified - validation and formalization of tacit knowledge Most challenging level for development of organizational knowledge. Physically embodied in products and processes
Major characteristics of Technology A form of human cultural activity Aims at practical ends or purposes It involves choice - in choosing problems and design approach (these in turn are influenced by culture) In the end technology transforms the material world It uses tools and procedures.
Technology Development characteristics emphasized in text Opportunity - event triggered Appropriability - assurance of reward Transferability - not trivial; vital elements may be lost in process Resources - technology development require investment of direct and collateral resources
Definition - Innovation Innovations are new improvements made in things already invented “Imitation may or may not be the sincerest form of flattery - but it is surely the route that innovation most frequently follows into an enterprise” Techn. Mgt, June 2002
Quotes from Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage The challenge is no longer basic technology – it’s layering services on solutions previously developed. integration “If I were to summarize it (the challenge) in one word, it would be integration – integration of technology, integration of services and integration of applications.” Marty Kaplan, Senior VP and CTO for Sprint Corp.
Important questions for organization How do you identify important/useful information – that lead to organizational knowledge?; the “knowing organization” How do you find the information and technology resources you need? Other question on technology management?
Definition - Technology Management Focuses on strategy and organization that make technology choices for an enterprise identification and development of technological capabilities (core, support) needed for competitive advantage deployment of technological capability into sellable products and/or services management of interactions with other functional groups.
Questions – Prepare for class discussion next week What forces help explain why firms are paying increased attention to the value implications of technology? Why do we say that technology is socially constructed? Discuss the interrelationship between information, knowledge, and technological development.