Using Spatiotemporal Relational Random Forests to Predict Convectively Induced Turbulence Also know as: U.S.R.R.F.P.C.I.T or Purscrift Dr. Amy McGovern (OU) Jon Trueblood (Dordt College) Timothy Sliwinski (Florida State Univ.)
Motivation Turbulence is a major hazard for aviation – Delays in flight – Structural damage to aircraft – Injuries to passengers – Frightening experiences – Fatalities Better understanding of turbulence allows for better avoidance of these hazards
Convectively-Induced Turbulence (CIT) Turbulence associated with a thunderstorm, yet occurs outside of clouds Current FAA guidelines for CIT: – Don’t attempt to fly under a thunderstorm – Avoid severe storms by at least 20 miles – Clear the top of known severe thunderstorms by at least 1000 feet for each 10 kt of wind speed at the cloud top – Be warned of thunderstorm tops in excess of 35,000 ft
CIT Prediction – Current prediction methods: Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG) – Combination of turbulence diagnostic quantities derived from 3-D forecast grids – Grid is too coarse NEXRAD Turbulence Detection Algorithm (NTDA) – Provides detection within clouds – No out of cloud CIT There is hope! SRRFs coupled with numerical weather prediction model data
Data Sources In-situ Data United Airlines flights (currently March 10, 2010 to March 31, 2010) Collects EDR (eddy dissipation rate) Co-Located Data from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model – 123 different variables – Interpolated to aircraft’s position Misc grid data – lightning, reflectivity (2D and 3D), GOES satellite (2D), EDR (3D)
Method Keep all related data – Within 40 nautical miles – Above 15,000 feet – Decide on thresholds to distinguish objects Create objects – Rain, convection, hail, lightning, vertically integrated liquid (VIL), clouds, aircraft, EDR Decide what relations you want.. Allow these to vary temporally Make the computer to do the rest!
How do SRRF’s work? Imagine a beautiful mountain landscape – Now imagine a bucket of data – SRRF’s take out a predetermined amount of instances with replacement 1/3 will actually not be chosen, used for verification, error estimates, and variable importance – Begin by randomly choosing 3 instances from the set Use information entropy Split instances accordingly – Continue until satisfied – Repeat with a multitude of trees to create – a forest!! – Test datasets on forests to get votes on turbulence and find out which variables are most important for turbulence <INSERT IMAGINARY BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE HERE>
Current Status Rewriting code from scratch – Using bits and pieces from previous code supplied by Tim Supinie
Sources and Image Credits Sources: Williams, et al. A Hybrid Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic Approach to CIT Diagnostic Development. (Currently Unpublished) Image Credits: Aircraft Induced Turbulence (title slide): - Aircraft Turbulence Damage (Motivation slide): - damage2.jpg Turbulence and thunderstorms (CIT slide): - GTG2 Product Output (CIT Prediction slide): - Random Forests Diagram (“How do SRRF’s work?” slide): - Anonymous Hacker (Current Status slide): - Air Pocket Cartoon (Questions slide): - This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS/REU/ Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.