SuperDARN Collaboration with THEMIS Ray Greenwald, on behalf of the SuperDARN Community JHU/APL THEMIS Workshop December, 2005
SuperDARN Northern Hemisphere Orange and red-shaded radar fields are operational. Mustard and pink radar fields are under develop- ment or planned. Rankin Inlet will be opera- tional by Spring Finland East and Hokkaido may be operational by Fall There may be 11 auroral zone and polar cap radars operational by Fall 2006 as well as 2 sub-auroral radars. Similar, but less extensive network in S. H.
SuperDARN Data Products Data products include: Vector electric fields Vector plasma drifts Global convection maps Measurements cover: Auroral zone Polar cap Subauroral regions. Complementary to: Satellite measurements Ground magnetic observations Ground optical measurements Data from Wallops Radar and TIMED/GUVI
Real-Time and Archival Data Backscattered powerLine-of-sight velocity Kapuskasing HF radar: April 6, UT 1000 m/s m/s 30 dB
Real-Time and Archival Data
SuperDARN Scheduling Cycle 17 radars to coordinate - scheduling considered 2 months in advance MONTH M MONTH M-2 MONTH M-3 SuperDARN spacecraft working group invites proposals of favorable intervals “darn-space” mailing list Cluster GBWG mailing list Shortlist of intervals spanning a subset of conjunction Submitted to the SuperDARN scheduling working group Radar experiments run Month M-2Month M-1 Month M
Cluster/SuperDARN Coordination Hours of “Cluster mode”
Scheduling Approach Orbit/footprint plots originally intended for SuperDARN scheduling (Jim Wild, Leic. & Gareth Chisham, BAS) Now feed into EISCAT scheduling (Ian McCrea, RAL) Uses publicly available data PGP files MSP(Cluster)/MSOP(DSP) Footprint trace using T96 model P SW =2nPa, D ST =0 nT IMF B Y = IMF B Z =0 nT
SuperDARN Spacecraft Working Group DateUThourscomment (*=priority) ====================================== 02/ Cusp 05/ Plasma/current sheet 06/ Plasma/current sheet 07/ Cusp 08/ Plasma/current sheet 10/ Plasma/current sheet 11/ Plasma/current sheet 12/ Cusp & Plasma/current sheet * 13/ Plasma/current sheet 15/ Plasma/current sheet * 19/ Cusp 20/ Plasma/current sheet 22/ Plasma/current sheet * 24/ Cusp * 28/ Cusp (southern hemisphere) ============================================ Total186h (7d18h) November 2005 conjunctions: We would be grateful if you would start to consider the equivalent operations for November Cluster orbit and footprint plots can be found via anonymous FTP at... machine: directory: c1_pgp_orbit_plots...which contains the Cluster orbit/footprint plots (Cluster 1 only, 1 gzipped ps file= 1 month). If you are also interested in considering the corresponding orbit/footprint for the equatorial DoubleStar spacecraft (known as TC1) then the directory "all_pgp_orbit_plots" on the same machine contains new style plots showing DoubleStar and Cluster (1 gzipped ps file= 1 month). Daily jpg plots of the same format can be found in "daily_orbit_plots" (the new style orbit plots in.gif format 1 file = 1 day) and "daily_footprint_plots" (the new style footprint plots in.gif format 1 file = 1 day). Suggestions for November 2005 conjunctions by the end of August please! Best wishes, Jim Wild and Gareth Chisham (SuperDARN spacecraft working group)