Engaging All Students Through Project Based Learning Lisa Lilley Springfield Public Schools lisalilley.wikispaces.com #pblchat
Workshop Goals: (1) Better understand Project Based Learning vs. “doing projects” (2) Create a driving question and project outline (3) Learn about managing and assessing projects (4) Promote student voice and choice with captivating Web 2.0 tools
A recent report on College Readiness by ACT found that the best predictor of college success is a student’s conscientiousness as measured by their dependability perserverance work ethic Next best predictor is agreeableness including teamwork and emotional balance
21st Century Skills Asking kids to just know content is not enough anymore.
Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Creativity and Innovation Information Literacy Media Literacy Technology Literacy Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productive and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility
Components of Project Based Learning: 1.A need to know 2.A driving question 3.Student voice and choice 4.Twenty-first century skills 5.Inquiry and innovation 6.Feedback and revision 7.A publicly presented product 1.A need to know 2.A driving question 3.Student voice and choice 4.Twenty-first century skills 5.Inquiry and innovation 6.Feedback and revision 7.A publicly presented product 8. TEACHES SIGNIFICANT CONTENT
‘Project-based learning’ refers to students designing, planning, and carrying out an extended project that produces a publicly exhibited output such as a product, publication, or presentation. from Work That Matters: The teacher’s guide to project based learning Published by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation February 2012
Obstacles to PBL fear of not covering the content perception that projects are fluff loss of control
9 What on this list do you believe the kids absolutely must know by the end of the year? What will they be penalized on standardized tests for not knowing?
10 Required Content How I’ll know if student learned the content Content I want for my students How I’ll know if student learned the content course- specific content Working successfully on a team course- specific content Critiquing drafts course- specific content Specialist skills needed for the project course- specific content personal attributes (i.e. growth in self- confidence)
11 Sources of Inspiration Your Community Current Events Real-World Problems Your Content Standards Your File Cabinet Your Colleagues Your Students Online Project Libraries Project from Project Bas 11 from PBL 101 Workbook Buck Institute for Education
Writing an Engaging Driving Question
Ways to write a Driving Question: Focus on a philosophical/debatable issue, or intriguing topic Specify a product to be created, a task to be done or problem to solve Add a real-world role for students from PBL 101 Workbook Buck Institute for Education
A good Driving Question should be... --Engaging for students --Aligned with Learning Goals --Open-Ended (Answer to question should NOT be “Googleable”)
Making questions more engaging What adaptations do animal species make in order to survive in various habitats? Could a dog live in the desert? How do people express emotion in poetry? How can we create a book of poems that show we’re sad, mad, and glad? What is a hero? Who are the heroes in our community and how can we tell their stories?
Ideas for Entry Events: --Field Trip --Guest Speaker --Film, Video, Website --Simulation or Activity --Provocative Reading --Startling Statistics --Puzzling Problem --Piece of Real or Mock Correspondence --Song, Poem, Art --Lively Discussion
Publicly Presented Product
Bring in experts
Entry event Create Need to Know List Project Teams Announced Discussion of expectations for teamwork First team meeting: team-building activity, contract, initial task list
Tech Tools
Web 2.0 Playground Day
Tools for Management of Projects
Wallwisher for idea sharing at the start & reflection at the end
Tools for Creativity & Presentations
29 Infographics 29