Federated Identity Management IG FIM4R CLARIN pilot – progress report Menzo Windhouwer (CLARIN ERIC, Meertens Institute)
Basically a legal proxy whereby CLARIN ERIC joins national identity federations on behalf of its centres (= Service Providers) Details and the agreement: clarin.eu/spfclarin.eu/spf Up-to-date list of end-user service providers: clarin.eu/node/3962 and centres.clarin.eu/spf clarin.eu/node/3962centres.clarin.eu/spf Experiments with a SAML – OAuth2 bridge Quality checks for the SP SAML metadata Quality checks for the SP SAML metadata FIM4R CLARIN pilot – progress
FIM4R CLARIN pilot – Identity Federations 1.ACOnet, Austria 2.Belnet Federation, Belgium 3.SWITCHaai, Switzerland 4.eduID.cz, Czech Republic 5.DFN, Germany 6.TAAT, Estonia 7.SIR, Spain 8.Haka, Finland 9.Fédération Éducation- Recherche, France [eduGAIN] 10.GRNET, Greece 11.eduID.hu, Hungary 12.Edugate, Ireland 13.IDEM, Italy [eduGAIN] 14.LAIFE, Latvia 15.SurfConext, The Netherlands 16.FEIDE, Norway 17.PIONIER.id, Poland 18.RCTSaai, Portugal 19.SWAMID, Sweden [eduGAIN] 20.ArnesAAI, Slovenia 21.UK Federation, United Kingdom [eduGAIN] 22.InCommon, United States of America 23.WAYF, Denmark, Iceland 24.LITNET fedi, Lithuania 25.Slovenia [eduGAIN]
1.MPI (lux17) 2.MPI (catalog) 3.MPI (corpus1) 4.INL 5.IDS (clarin) 6.IDS (repos) 7.BBAW 8.CSC (lat) 9.CSC (korp) 10.UTU 11.UFAL 12.ICLTT 13.Meertens 14.Meertens (OpenSKOS) 15.Huygens 16.CLARIN-DK 17.BAS 18.CMU 19.CELR 20.CLARINO 21.HZSK 22.UIL-OTS 23.CLARIN-PL 24.CLARINSI FIM4R CLARIN pilot – Service Providers
Problem addressed: An user is logged in to Service 1 which calls Service 2 on behalf of the user. How is the identity of the user passed on, and how can Service 2 trust it? Solutions investigated by CLARIN-NL and BiGGrid: Open or semi-open system OAuth1 SAML ECP WS-Trust GEMBus STS OAuth2 Selected solution for CLARIN test cases X.509 certificates Investigated in EUDAT User Delegation in the CLARIN Metadata Infrastructure - Part I - Research SAML – OAuth2 bridge
SAML – OAuth2 bridge: solution Authorisation Service S1S2 ? IdP AS -runs within a (separate) SP -is trusted by all involved services -also provides identity information (based on Shibboleth attributes)
Authorisation server Quite a few to choose from, quality varies Trials: ndg-oauth, SURFnet OAuth-Apis, Unity IDMndg-oauthSURFnet OAuth-ApisUnity IDM OAuth2 client Clients available for Java, Python, PHP, … Well specified protocol, clients interchangeable OAuth2 resource server Clients available for Java, Python, PHP, … Interoperability with the AS can be a problem OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection (IETF draft RFC) OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection (IETF draft RFC) User Delegation in the CLARIN Metadata Infrastructure - Part II - Implementation SAML – OAuth2 bridge: implementation
Interaction between registries with private use areas CMDI Component Registry to the ISOcat Data Category Registry Interaction between tools and archives with closed resources CLASS to The Language Archive Interaction between tools and private work spaces WebLicht to OwnCloud Extensions: Multistep delegation Multistep delegation Desktop or mobile applications … User Delegation in the CLARIN Infrastructure SAML – OAuth2 bridge: use cases
Prepare SAML – OAuth2 bridge for production Add more service providers Add more federations Future Plans
Thank You! Reactions:
Jonathan Blumtritt (University of Cologne) Daan Broeder (MPI, Meertens Institute) Joost van Dijk (SURFnet) Willem Elbers (MPI, CLARIN ERIC) Willem van Engen (NIKHEF) Twan Goosen (MPI, CLARIN ERIC) – animated slides! Marie Hinrichs (University of Tübingen) Remco Poortinga – van Wijnen (SURFnet) Mischa Sallé (NIKHEF) Shakila Shayan (MPI) Wei Qiu (University of Tübingen) Dieter van Uytvanck (CLARIN ERIC) SAML – OAuth2 bridge: acknowledgements