Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada RESEARCH TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMS Master’s Level SEPTEMBER 2008
2 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.SSHRC Graduate Research Training Support Programs 2.New Supplement Program 3.J-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s Program 1.Value and tenure 2.Eligibility 3.When and where to apply 4.Selection process 5.Evaluation criteria 6.Program of study 7.Research training component 8.Statistics for Where to seek help
3 1. OBJECTIVES OF SSHRC RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAMS Develop research skills Assist in the training of highly-qualified personnel Support Canada’s best graduate students and Postdoctoral researchers in the social sciences and humanities
4 1. SSHRC RESEARCH TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMS Masters ―Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s Program ―CGS Foreign Study Supplements (New) Doctoral ―Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Program ―SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and supplements ―Canada Graduate Scholarship Vanier Program (New) ―CGS Foreign Study Supplements (New) Postdoctoral ―SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships and supplements
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada 2. NEW SUPPLEMENTS PROGRAM
6 2. CGS FOREIGN STUDY SUPPLEMENTS Valued at up to $6,000 Designed to help offset the costs—including travel and accommodation—of undertaking research studies outside Canada for a defined period of four to six months Available only to holders of active CGS awards (Master’s, Doctoral or Vanier Not renewable One application form for all three agencies: –Deadline: December 10, 2008 –Program description available at the SSRHC website
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada 3. J-ARMAND BOMBARDIER CGS MASTER’S PROGRAM
8 3.1 VALUE AND TENURE $17,500 for 12 months, non-renewable Tenable only at a recognized Canadian university
9 3.2 ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada; Be applying for support to pursue your first graduate degree and; Not have completed more than 12 months of full-time graduate study at the proposed start date of the award; Have achieved a first-class average, Not have already received an award for master's-level study from SSHRC, NSERC or CIHR;NSERCCIHR
ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY (cont’d) Not be applying for graduate funding in the academic year to NSERC or CIHR;NSERCCIHR Not be pursuing a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate degrees Must have been registered at a university after January 1, 2004
ELIGIBILITY TO HOLD AN AWARD Registered as a full-time Master’s student Admitted, unconditionally, in a Master’s program that includes advanced research training Must have completed all requirements for your Bachelor’s degree
WHEN AND WHERE TO APPLY Application: ―For applicants registered at a Canadian university in 2008: date set by university ―For all others: November 27, 2008 Results Announced: Spring 2009
SELECTION PROCESS: Allocations University Allocations Roles –Department –Faculty of Graduate Studies –University Selection Committee(s) Results
EVALUATION CRITERIA Academic excellence, 60% Research potential, 30% Communication skills, 10%
PROGRAM OF STUDY (max. of 2 pages) Identify the university and degree program which you are pursuing or intend to pursue; Outline clearly the research training component of the degree program Provide a well-structured outline of your research proposal Describe any work experience, community involvement or other extracurricular activity, if relevant to your research proposal
17 PROGRAM OF STUDY - Special Cases Your proposed research is in Psychology The output of your degree program is an artistic creation, rather than a thesis Your program does not involve a thesis
RESEARCH TRAINING COMPONENT Your proposal must include a significant research training component. Research training normally involves: –demonstrating the ability to conduct research; and/or –completing course work in research methods and/or statistics; and/or –acquiring knowledge sufficient to interpret research in the field.
STATISTICS FOR 2008 AND AWARDS FOR 2009 Statistics for 2008: –2,686 applications recieved –1,300 awarded –Total budget of 22.8 million dollars over one year Number of awards available for : 1,300
20 4. WHERE TO SEEK YOUR UNIVERSITY Your supervisor Your peers Past SSHRC Fellowship recipients The department Head The Faculty of Graduate Studies
21 3. WHERE TO SEEK SSHRC For more information about the J-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s program: (613) or For technical assistance with on-line forms: (613) or Web site: