DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 1 STARMAP YEAR 2 N. Scott Urquhart STARMAP Director Department of Statistics Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 2 STARMAP FUNDING Space-Time Aquatic Resources Modeling and Analysis Program The work reported here today was developed under the STAR Research Assistance Agreement CR awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Colorado State University. This presentation has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed here are solely those of presenters and STARMAP, the Program they represent. EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in these presentation. This research is funded by U.S.EPA – Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Program Cooperative Agreement # CR
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 3 TODAY’S COMMENTS ABOUT STARMAP Background Comments Research Extension/Outreach/Cooperation Training Outputs Recruiting Learning Materials Plans for this year
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 4 BACKGROUND COMMENTS This conference is jointly sponsored by DAMARS – Oregon State University STARMAP – Colorado State University It serves two purposes Communication vehicle for participants between the programs Information/update for our Science Advisory Committee (SAC) Jay Ver Hoef, Steve Thompson and Barry Nussbaum Noel Cressie couldn’t make this meeting, but remains interested and involved They are likely to ask pointed questions - don’t be surprised!
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 7 PROGRESS SINCE LAST YEAR: COOPERATION/OUTREACH Cooperation EMAP EPA Regions 8, 9, & 10 Other cooperators Atlantic Coast Ecological Indicators Consortium (ACE InC) Ken Reckhow, NC WRRI & Duke Tribal Science Council which advises EPA’s ORD The governing RFA stated: “ … to develop and extend the expertise on design and analysis to States and Tribes.” Learning materials – to be discussed at the end of this intro
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 8 PROGRESS SINCE LAST YEAR: TRAINING Governing RAF states “… cadre of graduates would be developed who would have the expertise and experience in survey design and analysis needed to fill a gap in the expertise required to successfully monitor the condition of the Nation’s aquatic resources.” Students & early career professionals Students One PhD + 3 Masters completed 5 PhD, 4 stat + 1 landscape ecology active; 1 MS; others interested Early career faculty - 7
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 9 PROGRESS SINCE LAST YEAR: TRAINING: CONTINUED Field experience Several + ongoing All toured past EMAP sites near here, yestrerday All will have a tour of WED/EMAP Tuesday afternoon Visits to other EPA facilities Theobald & Poston interacted with personnel at Region 8 recently Gitelman will comment about her interactions with Ken Reckhow later today.
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 10 OUTPUTS Relevant statistical research in the form of Publications Worked examples in the “Case studies” part of the learning materials The Generalized Randomized Tessellation Sampling Implemented correctly in ARCView Prediction of probability of perennialness of stream traces Add to sampling procedure by end of Program
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 11 RECRUITING Post-doctoral fellows Limited success – will continue efforts One coming in December May share up to 3 with other programs in the Front- Range area of Colorado Urquhart will be active in recruiting next year Students for the CSU statistics graduate program Will attend AP courses to recruit undergraduates into statistics major Such an effort at NC State has improved in-state applicants to graduate program
DAMARS/STARMAP 8/11/03# 13 PLANS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD Project 1 - continue present work Expand design for spatial modeling Project 2 – continue developments Emphasize small area (local) estimation Project 3 - complete GRTS sampling in GIS Apply tools to develop indicators Regional species richness Outreach – continue development of cooperation Case studies Continue implementation & testing