OUTLINE 1.Abstract 2.Research Methodology a. Inclution and Exclution criteria b. SVG Programs c. Measurement 3. Results 4. Conclusions
1.Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore health benefits in somatosensory video games, Xbox 360 Kinect, on institutionalized older adults with wheelchairs. A total of 53 participants were recruited and divided 2 group: + An experimental group + A control group Experimental time: three times per week, for 30 minute each session.
2. Research methodology a. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria The study was conducted at a nursing home which have 335 residents in Changhua city, Taiwan. In order to perform in this game, participants were required to have verbal communication ability and basic physical functions to participate and approved by head nurses who knows their health conditions.
b. SVG programs trainings three times per week, for 30 minute each session which included 5-minute warm up, 20-minute interactive gaming, and 5-minute cool down. Control group did not receive any additional training but maintained regular daily schedules and programs that were provided by the nursing home. In the study, Mouse mayhem, follow the arrow and matchmaker are three games which are appropriate to older adults with wheelchair
* Follow the arrow A total of 20 questions within one minute are in this game. Red arrows pop out from five different directions and players have to point out those arrows by using two arms within 5 seconds to get ponts.
* Matchmaker A total of 15 questions are in this game and the completed finish time is recorded to justify players’ performance. Lots of different colorful shapes and figures will pop on the screen and the players have to match the same shapes by using both of their hands to get the points. Total number of the game is 15.
* Mouse mayhem Total time of the game is one minute. The task in the game is to “touch” mice that pop out from four different pines which are located at four different corners on the screen. There are three kinds of mice in the game. Regular green and gold mice are allowed to touch and contribute to get points. Then, gold mice with hedgehog hair shall be avoid to touch or points would be deducted.
c. Measurement In order to understand their improvement of visual performance skills, Vienna Test System and computer Software S9 are used in this study. In addition, eyehand coordination was tested by using Soda Pop test. * Reactions: using Vienna Test System - Testing time : 3 minutes - Reliability: The Cronbach’s Alpha of the recreation time is * Eye – hand coordination: using Soda pop test, Every participants was requested to complete the test twice and the higher scores were used for the data analysis
3. Results In the post-test period, 4 participants rejected to complete the test due to the body discomfort and 1 participant only completed eye-hand coordination test and could not complete the reaction time test due to the eye discomfort in control group. According to the results of statistics, except the gender, there are no significant differences in their age, body weight between the groups.
The Table II shows that there is no significant difference of the recreation time between experimental and control group before the intervention. However, after one-month Xbox 360 video game training, two groups had significant difference in their recreation time. The reaction time of experimental group decreased from ms to ms and the time of control group increased from ms to ms.
In eye-hand coordination, two groups had bigger significant difference after one-month Xbox 360 video game training although there is already significant difference between two groups in the pretest. The eye-hand coordination of experimental group decreased from seconds to seconds and the time of control group increased from seconds to seconds.
4. Conclusion From the preliminary results in the study suggest that somatosensory games Xbox 360 Kinect are viable and valuable tools to improve visual performance skills, reaction time and eye-hand coordination for institutionalized older adults with wheelchairs. With somatosensory video games, older institutions have new alternative choices to provide affordable, convenient, attractive, and interesting programs to promote health for institutionalized older adults. Consequently, the further clinical evidence-based practice on using somatosensory games are highly recommended and are expected to find greater acceptance of the approach in the near future.