My Hair through the Years
Stretching relaxers (April 2006)
Fresh relaxer (July 2006)
I started wearing my hair out more…and using more heat (November 2006)
I started cutting my hair (July 2007)
I dyed my hair myself (burgundy)…as my hair started breaking I cut off some more hair(December 2007)
Styling my hair and dealing with the breakage became annoying so I started getting weaves (I always did love curly hair) (November 2008)
My hair was starting to get a little healthier…so I cut it again (May 2009)
I knew that putting heat in my hair everyday was damaging, but I hated how limp and straight it was so I started wearing my hair in rod sets (September 2009)
But the curls only lasted for 2-3 days (I was a track athlete and no hairstyle was completely in tact by the end of the day). My friend recommended that I get a texturizer instead so my hair would be permanently curly/wavy. I would just have to wait until my relaxed hair grew out (It was only about 2-3inches it wouldn’t take too long) My last relaxer was October 30, 2009.
So I started to transition my hair using weaves as a protective style (February 6, 2010)
I couldn’t wait that long (February 20, 2010)
I kinda liked being bald.
But then my hair grew…awkwardly (June 2010) FACT: Texturizers make your curl pattern look dysfunctional
So I tried flat ironing it (June 2010)
Bleaching it (Myself) (July 2010)
And straightening it (July 2010)
But it just wasn’t cute to me anymore. I was also still getting texturizers, manipulating my hair everyday, not moisturizing properly, and doing whatever I felt like to be temporarily satisfied with my hair. I wasn’t happy with it (but I would never let anyone else know that I wasn’t happy with my decision) so I decided to just start wearing braids until it grew out some more.
(August 2010)
And weaves (October 2010)
My hair started to grow some more and I was wearing more protective styles (January 2011)
But after a year I was nowhere near the 6” hair is supposed to grow every year No surprises there …
I realized how damaged my hair was getting after I got my hair straightened and the ends were crispy and rough while the roots (my unprocessed hair) was silky and smooth. I decided to work harder at improving the health of my hair. February 2, 2011 was my last texturizer, and I started cutting off the bleached ends.
5 Months later… (April 2011 to September 2011)
I rewarded myself with some highlights (September 2011)
I read something about heat training my hair…that didn’t work out too well for me (November 2011) [Notice the heat damaged ends]
I gradually cut off all the heat damage and I was left with hair that finally made me happy everyday…without all the extra (April 2012)
I started to love my hair so much that I wanted to protect it and make it even healthier, prettier, and longer. So I started being more gentle with my hair, deep conditioning every week, drinking more water, and wearing only protective styles for 6 months.
My hair has never been this long and healthy before (November 2012)
Having healthy hair has given me a genuine confidence boost. One that I never had when I was “experimenting” (Although I still do experiment from time to time) Dyed (not bleached) brown (December 2012)
So I’m going to continue with this healthy hair journey I’m in too deep to stop loving my hair now