Mansa Musa
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Categories Mansa MusaReligionEducation
Mansa Musa A title borne by local leaders that Sundiata took for himself. $100 $200$300$400$500 Mansa Mansa Musa ruled for this many years. Mali reached the height of it’s ___, ___, and ___ under Musa’s rule. To encourage the spread of Islam in West Africa, Mansa Musa… Maghan was ____’s son. 25 Years Wealth, power, and fame. Built Mosques throughout his empire. Mansa Musa’s
Religion Most rulers after Sundiata were part of this religion. Because Mansa Musa went on the annual ____, Mali became very well known. He brought 100 camels, 300 lbs of gold, and 60,000 men with him on the Hajj. The new crop that was introduced to Mali by Sundiata. After Sundiata conquered Ghana, he took over these trades. $100$200$300$400$500 Pilgrimage or Hajj Islam or Muslims Mansa MusaCottonSalt and Gold Trades.
Education The three trade cities conquered under Mansa Musa’s rule. One reason why Mali fell. Mansa Musa sent scholars to study in ____. It became the main language for government and trade because Mansa Musa wanted his people to know how to read the Qur’an. Timbuktu became famous for… $100$200$300$400$500 MoroccoArabicIt’s schools. Poor leadership, too big of an empire, or invaders. Timbuktu, Gao, and Djenné.