Kingfishers - Autumn 2014 Parents’ Information Meeting
Mrs Higson Mrs Baker Mrs Dale and Mrs Berryman
Topics for this term Kingfishers Literacy: Stories by Significant Authors, Information Writing, Poetry Maths Following Primary Framework Topic: The Aztecs Science: Life Cycles RE: The Bible/The Magi PE:Tennis/Swimming/FootballArt: Aztec Art DTBreadICT Control Devices
Timetable Monday: Swimming (and PE after half-term) Wednesday: Homework due in Friday: PE (please could children all have a complete change of kit, including shoes. Tracksuit bottoms and trainers are recommended for the winter). Library: children can change their books in the morning Show and Tell: Monday and whenever we can fit it in!! Staff: Tuesday pm: Mrs Dowdswell Thursday pm: Mrs Baker
Reading Reading books and library books can be changed throughout the week Each group will have guided reading once a week Some children will have booster reading and extra 1:1 reading Reading grid
Homework A piece of English and Maths goes out every Friday (sometimes topic will replace one of these) Homework needs to be back in on Wednesday. Spellings are given out on a Friday. Children will be tested during the following week We will try to make instructions for homework clear. However, if you or your child is confused about the activity or they find it too easy/hard, please fell free to pop in or write a note in homework books Children will lose playtime if homework is not handed in!
Behaviour Stickers and certificates given out Merits– bronze, silver and gold certificates Class points – leads to a class reward Golden time: 30 minutes on a Friday Sanctions: loss of playtime – see chart
Targets Will be in the front of English and Maths books Changes when target has been achieved Children will also have opportunities to self-assess Children are assessed in more formal conditions every term, as well as on- going daily assessment through marking/talking to the children/feedback from TA etc
Trips Autumn: 18 th November – Intec here for control devices Spring: 11 th and 18 th November – Tate Modern, London Summer: TBC Assembly: Date: Fri 21 st November at 2.45pm
How can you help your child? Listen to them read as often as possible Help them to learn their spellings Do some homework activities with them Ensure that they have their reading books and records every day
Open Door Feel free to pop in after school if you ever have any questions or queries Any questions?