October 7, 2015 Beth Konde MS, OTR/L
Identify strengths of TLC Describe the new provider monitoring tool Discuss evidence-based practice for children with ASD Contribute to SERK conference planning Discuss current ECO data analysis Describe training requirements for TLC Objectives
Review TLC 15 minute break New provider monitoring tool Lunch Evidence-based practice for ASD & conference planning 15 minute break ECO data analysis Discuss TLC Agenda
Creative Hand Shake
Competency Initiative 350 people registered 336 attended a workshop 288 completed the post-survey 70% of those who registered completed the competency TLC
Post Survey When providers were asked what method they use to obtain a score for the ECO data collection process Decision Tree Ounce Crosswalk When providers were asked what informs their rationale for choosing a rating on the ECO data There was no common theme TLC
111 providers registered 85 attended 77% attendance rate 72% intermediate providers 28% providers attended for self choice Topical Workshops
Attendance: 69 providers Completed: 51 providers Pending: 16 Did not complete: 2 providers Introduction to EI
New Providers training requirements Policies and Procedures Self-Paced Module Foundations of Early Intervention in Philadelphia Complete an online module then attend a workshop Three online modules and three workshops Two videos of EI sessions County Update TLC
Intermediate Providers training requirements Authentic Assessment and ECO Competency 2015 – 2016 Competency Initiative County Update TLC
Experienced Providers training requirements 2015 – 2016 Competency Initiative County Update Self-Choice TLC
DAYC – 2 The Ounce Scale Caregiver Assessment of Activities and Routines Measurable Outcomes and Progress Monitoring Visual Supports Writing Session Notes E - Learning
Facilitating Early Communication Using Hanen Principles Being offered at Lankenau Hospital 4:30 – 6: 30pm Starting in November SERK Conference More to come….. Self Choice Options