Head Boy Head Girl Jacob McCarthySarah Crowley Deputy Head BoyDeputy Head Girl Jordan FletcherKayleigh Barry Senior Captain (pastoral) (Curriculum) Lisa.


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Presentation transcript:

Head Boy Head Girl Jacob McCarthySarah Crowley Deputy Head BoyDeputy Head Girl Jordan FletcherKayleigh Barry Senior Captain (pastoral) (Curriculum) Lisa MansfieldSarah Poore

2012 – 2013 Meeting 1 Friday 5 th October

Yr 7Niall MartinHarry BennettIsobel GibbonsCameron Ilse Yr 8 Ben Wadley Callum Nocivelli Deri WhiteheadJay Maggs Yr 9 Danielle Campbell Jay NocivelliEmily HawkinsMolly Gasson Yr 10Chelsea Scott Caitlin Monaghan Abby CrimminsJack Rees Yr 11Jonathan Elliot Jordan JohnsonMarcus Fouweather Bethan Burrows

 Who is your house captain or vice captain and what is their role?

School Council asked for more rewards and people who achieve higher to get more recognition. Mrs Keane said the rewards policy is being reviewed this year. Push on Merits and EMA’s given by all teachers. EMA’s converted to house points by members of the school council and house certificates presented in assemblies for the first half term...This will continue.

School Council asked for a solution to people using others’ lunch cards. Mrs Keane agreed with having photos on the system in the canteen so no one else can use your card. Software already been put in place. You must now either have your card or know your unique number in order to purchase your lunch. This will definitely stop the problem of people using other people’s cards.

Through the school council you asked for Blazers to be added to the uniform. You said that the cardigans are too thin but the jackets are too thick; students suggested wearing blazers with polo shirts. In the meeting Mrs Keane said she would investigate this idea e.g. prices. The blazers are in school and were shown to the School Council on Friday. We will be asking for feedback from you during TFL this week. The cost of the blazer would be £25…quite expensive.

Friday 16 th November Non-school uniform day as requested through the School Council. Students and staff were asked to make a donation of £1 for the charity. Very successful day. We raised a huge sum of £ for Children in Need. Mrs Keane said, “That's the most we've ever fund raised at a single event – fantastic! Well done to the entire School Council for their efforts.” Mrs Keane agreed to have non-school uniform days, but not too many, about 2 each year.

2012 – 2013 Meeting 2 Friday 30 th November

 More bins in the canteen  School jumper added to uniform  Access to benches at break time/gates open  Grass area changed behind canteen  set up ‘need to …’  Updated on how many merits/sanctions  More trips

Remember …  If you have an idea or suggestion and would like to bring it to school council you must speak to your form reps.  They will take it to the house council to be discussed and then forward it to the school council.  Your house captain will then feed back what has been discussed and keep you up-to-date.

 Appointed form reps  Set up the School Council through voting  Presented badges in assemblies  Set up a prom committee for Year 11  Held 2 Council meetings with Mrs Keane  Given you feedback in TFL  Converted EMA’s into house points and presented certificates in assemblies  Helped with Year 7 naming ceremony  Non-school uniform day

‘make your words speak louder’.

We are all part of society and our school community. Help us to understand our rights as students in Newport High School. Teach us to be responsible for student voice and get involved in all opportunities to impact positively on our school improvement. May your faith support you.