The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst
Scarlet Ibis ( An exotic red bird Solid scarlet except for black wing tips; bill is long, thin and curved downward; neck is long and slender; legs are also long and thin with partially webbed feet; juveniles are dull, grayish brown Habitat: Tropical regions and rainforests Range: Central America and Northern South America from Venezuela to Brazil Diet: fruit, seeds, insects, fish, meat
Scarlet Ibis
Caul Noun Membrane, layer of tissue on a baby’s head at birth. Thought to be good luck
Caul Some babies are born with caul which is a membrane covering its head. It’s referred to as “born in the caul.”
Careen Verb To move from side to side in an uncontrolled manner
Careen The pig pong ball careens across the table.
Serene Adjective Calm
Infallibility Noun Not capable of error
Infallibility His infallibility swimming the butterfly caused him to win gold.
Blighted Adjective A plant disease
Evanesced Verb Vanished
Doggedness Noun Stubborn persistence
Reiterate Verb To say over and over again
Precariously Adverb Insecurely; based on unproved statements or conclusions
Precariously The girl sitting at my lunch table precariously announced it was going to snow this afternoon; we walked outside after school, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
Clove Noun Separation or split between two things
Rank Adjective Growing in vigorous, wild abundance
Vermilion Noun/Adjective Bright red
Prim Adjective Neat and trim
Iridescent Adjective Rainbow-like
Solder Verb to bond or repair
Vortex Noun Something that draws everything to its center like a whirlpool
Naught Noun Nothing
Heresy Noun Controversial belief
Heresy Many consider Darwin’s theories heresy since it caused a huge divide between science and religion.
Flashback Noun Literary device where an earlier episode or memory is inserted into the sequence of a storyline.
Allusion Noun Literary reference in a work to another piece of literature, music, art, history, or Biblical incidence.