Sketchbook Assignment - What is a pixel? In your sketchbook, write the date and use the link on the class calendar to answer the following: 1 - What is the term pixel short for? What is a pixel? 2 - Can a pixel be more than one color at a time? 3 - What type of color allows for the most colors to be displayed on your monitor - 8 bit or 16 bit ?
Art for New Media 1 - Homework/Classwork DUE 9/8 - Elements/Principles “squares” DUE TUESDAY (9/8)! Make sure all are labeled and your name is on each sheet of paper. 2 - Photoshop Intro continued! Photoshop Terms/Concepts for today - write the following terms/definitions (and the date) in your sketchbook: tolerance: low - small range of colors that will be selected high - broadens the range contiguous color: similar color pixels which touch each other 3 - Studio Time - Elements and Principles Artworks
Photoshop Intro continued Workspace (ex. Essentials), Navigator and Zoom tool (resize windows, rotate view), History/Undo Import Images, Canvas, Image Menu, saving files Review and continue - selection tools marquee, lasso, magic wand, crop tools transform selection (edit > transform) Photo editing tools: clone stamp, healing brush, color replacement brush, red-eye reduction etc. More drawing/painting tools: Paint Bucket, Gradient, Eraser Brush Tool - brush options- (w/ stylus) Coming soon: Layers. Layer Styles Typography In class photoshop assignment - “veggie man”
In-Class Assignments for PhotoShop (you will be saving these in your student home) Veggie Man Assignment - (Advanced option=landscape/cityscape) - create a “ character ” using veggies - selections must be clean! (not “ chunky ” ) - use layers - have fun! Be creative ….