THESIS STATEMENTS How to Write Effective Thesis Statements
What is a Thesis Statement? Whenever you write an essay, you must attempt to make and support a particular point. This point is your thesis. A thesis statement is an essay’s controlling idea (main idea) or the point being made. The thesis is the topic + the writer’s opinion about the topic. The statement may or may not include the main points of the essay and is usually the last sentence of the introduction.
Sample Thesis Statements Topic + opinion only States that have eliminated their affirmative action laws undermine the goals of equal rights initiatives. Topic + opinion and main points Working mothers have changed the character of the American family by contributing a second paycheck, by popularizing day care, and by creating a new division of labor in the home. --The Student Writer
A Thesis Statement is not a general subject Music Finishing school Becoming a basketball player These are all general subjects or topics and can’t be thesis statements; furthermore, a thesis will always be a complete sentence.
A Thesis Statement is not a statement of fact Music videos can help increase record sales. Finishing college takes several years. Professional basketball players usually earn a lot of money each year. These are all generally accepted facts and aren’t discussable.
A Thesis Statement is not an announcement of intent My essay will discuss the effects of rock music on popular culture. In this essay, I will examine reasons why it is beneficial to attend a two-year college. As you will see in the following paragraphs, professional basketball players earn their huge salaries for several reasons. Each of these statements announces what the writer intends to do; these are not thesis statements.
A Thesis Statement is not too broad Music videos are influential. Two-year colleges have several benefits. AND not too narrow Many people don’t realize that product endorsements make up a generous portion of the salaries of the richest pro basketball players.
A Thesis Statement is unified and shows direction, scope and emphasis. Music videos have influenced youth by introducing them to different fashions, several styles of dancing, and an array of musical talents.
How Can I Test the Effectiveness of My Thesis Statement? Ask yourself, “Can I create topic sentences for my body paragraphs?” My family is wasteful. This thesis statement is ineffective because it is too broad. Sure, you could create topic sentences, but your thesis doesn’t not indicate a scope; in other words, there is an unlimited number of possible topic sentences because this thesis isn’t specific enough.
How Can I Test the Effectiveness of My Thesis Statement? My family is wasteful. To narrow this thesis, try asking yourself the journalistic questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? What is my family wasting? My family wastes food, money and time. Now create topic sentences for your body paragraphs to see if this thesis works.
Possible topic sentences for body paragraphs. Firstly, both my little brother and father always pile their plates too high with food and never seem to finish eating. Also, my mother has a tendency to spend her money on useless items. Finally, and unfortunately, the entire family procrastinates all of the time. Each of these topic sentences can be supported with specific details.
Thesis Statement Not a general subject Not a statement of fact Not an announcement of intent Not too broad and not too narrow Is unified and shows direction, scope and emphasis