T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT What is the difference between temperature and heat?
T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT Early scientists thought that heat was an invisible fluid, which they called caloric. They thought this fluid flowed from hot materials to cold materials, producing a temperature change. Daniel Bernoulli proposed that gases consist of great numbers of particles moving in all directions, and that what we experience as heat is simply the kinetic energy of their motion.
T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT The temperature of a substance is the average kinetic energy of its particles. The greater the average kinetic energy of all of an object’s particles, the higher the object’s temperature. Heat is the energy transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object heat, like work, is energy transferred between substances or objects
K INETIC M OLECULAR T HEORY The kinetic molecular theory of matter states that matter is made up of particles (molecules, atoms, or ions) that are in constant random motion. These particles are continually vibrating and rotating.
K INETIC M OLECULAR T HEORY Thermal energy is the total internal kinetic and potential energy of the particles within an object.
T HE K ELVIN S CALE The Kelvin Scale connects temperature to the kinetic molecular theory of matter. The Kelvin Scale report temperatures based directly on the substances kinetic energy
A BSOLUTE Z ERO Absolute zero is the lowest temperature that is theoretically possible. At Absolute zero, molecular motion and energy would be minimal, though there would still be at least some small quantity of energy. Absolute zero cannot be reached on Earth or in a laboratory, but cooling can cool atoms to temperatures within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero.
T HERMAL E NERGY T RANSFERS Thermal Energy can be transferred in 3 ways 1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Radiation
C ONDUCTION Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy through direct contact between the particles of two substances, without the particles moving to a new location.
C ONVECTION Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through the bulk movement of particles from one location to another. Convection occurs in fluids(liquids and gases), where the particles have freedom of movement
R ADIATION Radiation is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves or fast-moving particles. The energy transferred in these waves or particles is called radiant energy. The most common types of radiant energy are visible light and other sorts of electromagnetic radiation, such as infrared and ultraviolet radiation.