Do Now #25: Circle the letter of the more appropriately worded sentence in each pair. Circle the letter of the more appropriately worded sentence in each pair. Assume an educated audience of nonexperts, and be prepared to explain your choices. Assume an educated audience of nonexperts, and be prepared to explain your choices. What kind of language is appropriate in your draft? What kind of language is appropriate in your draft?
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? Stay away from jargon Avoid pretentious language
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? 1.Stay away from jargon – Specialized, puffed-up language Jargon: For years the indigenous body politic of South Africa attempted to negotiate legal enfranchisement without result. Revised: For years the indigenous people of South Africa negotiated in vain for the right to vote.
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? All employees functioning in the capacity of work-study students are required to give evidence of current enrollment. All employees functioning in the capacity of work-study students are required to give evidence of current enrollment. All work-study students must prove that they are currently enrolled. All work-study students must prove that they are currently enrolled.
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? Mayor Summers will commence his term of office by ameliorating living conditions in economically deprived zones. Mayor Summers will commence his term of office by ameliorating living conditions in economically deprived zones. Mayor Summers will begin his term of office by improving living conditions in poor neighborhoods. Mayor Summers will begin his term of office by improving living conditions in poor neighborhoods.
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? Stay away from jargon Avoid pretentious language
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? 2.Avoid pretentious language, most euphemisms, and “doublespeak.” – Euphemisms—nice sounding words or phrases – Doublespeak—evasive or deceptive language
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? Euphemism Pre-owned Automobile Pre-owned Automobile Economically deprived Economically deprived Negative savings Negative savings Chemical dependency Chemical dependency Correctional facility Correctional facility Plain English Used Car Used Car Poor Poor Debts Debts Drug addiction Drug addiction Prison Prison
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? Plain English Airplane crash Airplane crash Missiles Missiles The pacemakers might suddenly stop functioning and cause a heart attack or even death. The pacemakers might suddenly stop functioning and cause a heart attack or even death. “Doublespeak” Uncontrolled contact with ground Uncontrolled contact with ground Peacekeepers Peacekeepers May result in sudden adverse health consequences in pace- maker dependent patients as a result of sudden ‘no output’ failure May result in sudden adverse health consequences in pace- maker dependent patients as a result of sudden ‘no output’ failure
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? In my youth, my family was under the constraints of difficult material circumstances. In my youth, my family was poor. Have you ever been accused of flagellating a deceased equine? Have you ever been accused of beating a dead horse?
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? When our progenitors reach their silver- haired and golden years, we frequently ensepulcher them in homes for senescent beings as if they were already among the deceased. When our parents become old, we frequently entomb them in old-age homes as if they were already dead.
Aim: How do you choose appropriate language in your writing? Activity Page ( ): Activity Page ( ): Suppose you were editing a textbook for a group of educated non-experts. Suppose you were editing a textbook for a group of educated non-experts. Working with your group, translate numbers one to five by rewriting the sentences without any euphemisms of doublespeak. Working with your group, translate numbers one to five by rewriting the sentences without any euphemisms of doublespeak.