Osagin Osasun-impaktoaren ebaluaketa Evaluación del impacto en la salud Perception of public health and health planning professionals about utilities and applicability of the HIA Elvira Sanz; Elena Aldasoro; Santiago Esnaola; Amaia Bacigalupe; Jon Zuazagoitia and Beatriz Nuin.
Introduction. Antecedents Antecedents: HIA of the Integral Regeneration Plan of Uretamendi- Betolaza and Circunvalación (Bilbao) Screening process of regional policies in the Basque Country A training workshop for public health and planning professionals in the health sector was carried out as part of the process of institutionalisation of the HIA in the Basque Country
Objectives 1.Capacity building for HIA in regional government planning 2.Collecting professional’s opinions on the utility and the applicability of the HIA in their daily work
Workshop features 80 persons 3 places IndividualGroup Total Donostia-San Sebastián 6612 Vitoria- Gasteiz 7512 Bilbao
Participants and methodology Participants were experts on different areas: Epidemiological surveillance Environmental health Food safety Health promotion After the workshop a questionnaire was given to the attendees to be completed
Results: utility of HIA The need to assess the interventions that were developed from other sectors HIA requires the revision of existing programmes, a new organization of work and new working forms HIA will contribute to the reduction of the social inequalities in health
Results: the applicability of the HIA Interviewee's feedback gave relevant information about the feasibility of the implementation the HIA in their everyday work: Epidemiological surveillance: add new variables to the surveys and registries facilitate information exchange channels Environmental health: complementary value to the EIA Food safety: consciousness of the relevance of the social model of health. Integration of HIA Health promotion: HIA is a key tool
HIA-Obstacles External barriersInternal barriers Lack of vision of the social model of health Lack of mandatory rules Lack of political leadership Cost Lack of awareness of politicians. Lack of commitment Lack of capacity and experiences Time constraints, lack of human and financial resources to conduct HIA Reluctance of workers to change
Conclusions The social model of health turns out to be useful to raise awareness on the impact of their working areas on health and health inequalities Knowing and taking into account the perception of health professionals is an important aspect when planning and developing the strategy for institutionalization of the HIA successfully Expected benefits match the scientific evidence The application of HIA will help to get more knowledge about health determinants
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