…and these…
…are the reason we have all this.
Your waste goes down the toilet……… …but plants waste product goes into our lungs so we can breathe… I hope…….
…which, I’m sure you’ll all agree,… …is a pretty good thing.
The Amazon rainforest…
…the Earth’s lungs..
...but every second a chunk the size of a football pitch is lost.
What can you do to help? Lord Kitchener Kitchener’s amazing tache
Every year millions of seeds fail to germinate and grow into young plants.
These plants never get a chance to… … or sway in the breeze. …be(e) pollinated… …have seeds of their own…
They lack basic needs Soil Warmth Light Carbon DioxideWater
…but we can give a few the best possible start. We can’t help them all…
By giving seeds and young plants a home… …and somewhere they are looked after until they are ready for the big bad world. …we can give them… …somewhere they can get their basic needs...
Maybe homes like these?
A little bit ambitious I think. But this might be a bit more manageable Plastic bottles
So this is the point where you come in.
We need you to collect… …2 litre, clear or green plastic bottles. Empty ones please!
The only thing is… …we need about 1500 of them.
These bottles will give these seeds…
…the opportunity to grow…
…to provide us with... Oxygen
…and keep her happy