Unit 2: Individual in the organisation Aim: Understanding the impact of individual differences in organisations
Individual differences Dispositional factors account for 30-50% of the differences in an individual’s behavior Quiz Ressources Activité Examples: “The ways we think, the way we interpret out environment and the ways we respond to that environment are unique” 3. Attitudes 2. Individual perception 1. Personality traits
What is personality? Definition: Quiz Ressources Activité Source: Nature vs. Nurture? Set of unique traits and other mental characteristics that give consistency to an individual's behavior across situations What “twin studies” reveal? The role of genes The role of environment, including culture Gene X Environment interactions
Personality Development Does personality change across the life span? Quiz Ressources Activité Are there “windows of opportunity” for personality change?
How do we measure personality? 1. Observation Quiz Ressources Activité 3. Validated paper and pencil (or computerized) tests and inventories 2. Projective tests such as inkblots and TAT's
So, Let’s look at our self assessments! Quiz Ressources Activité
Locus of control Definition:Definition: the extent to which one believes that the things that happen to them are under their own or others’ control Quiz Ressources Activité Spheres of control Spheres of control: personal, interpersonal, or sociopolitical Has effects on: Motivation, leadership, job selection and design, stress, and change Cultural differences may determine locus of control
Locus of Control: Internals Quiz Ressources Activité Are independent, like to participate in decisions, are involved in work, adjust to work and handle job stress well, like to influence others, are future rather than present oriented, are achievement oriented Believe their own abilities and efforts control the things that happen to them
Locus of Control: Externals Believe that others, situations, and fate control what happens to them. Quiz Ressources Activité They prefer structure, do not like to work independently, have few expectations based on past successes or failures, and are susceptible to influence attempts by others
Machiavellianism “Degree to which one uses deceit, lying, and compromising ethics to attain one’s own self interest; strong believers in “the end justifies the means” Quiz Ressources Activité High Mach’s: Do not let feelings and loyalty to get in the way of obtaining own end Try to manipulate ambiguous situations to control them Are cool and calculating Have lots of self confidence and self esteem
Individual perception: “Process by which an individual organise and interpret his sensory impressions in order to give meanings to his environment” Quiz Ressources Activité Implications for management Pay attention to employee’s perceptions about his job, management practices and organisational systems.
Attribution theory: “When individuals observe behaviour, Quiz Ressources Activité Evaluation of behaviour ib terms of 3 dimensions: Consensus Consistency Distinctiveness They attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused” ( Robbins, 1998)
Consensus: Degree to which other people behave in the same way in a given situation. Distinctiveness: Degree to which the person’s behaviour in a given situation is similar in other situations. Quiz Ressources Activité Consistency: Degree to which a person responds in the same way over time.
Implication of attribution theory High consensus + High distinctiveness + Low consistency = External causes Quiz Ressources Activité Low consensus + Low distinctiveness + High consistency = Internal causes
Attitudes “ A mental or neural state of readiness, organised through experience, exerting a direct or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects & situations with which it is related” ( Allport, 1954) Quiz Ressources Activité
Job satisfaction “ A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience” ( Locke, 1976) Quiz Ressources Activité “ The amount of overall positive effect (or feelings) that individuals have from the appraisal of one’s job “ ( Arnold & Feldman, 1988)
Determinants of job satisfaction: Quiz Ressources Activité Organisation itself Management style e.g autocratic Nature of job Recognition: Promotion Working conditions & environment Pay/ remunerations
Activité Just look at the picture briefly (10-15 seconds) and write the story it suggests.
QUIZ: Test on locus of control Rank the five values in each of the two categories from 1 (most important to you) to 5 (least important to you) ___ Ambitious ___ Honest ___ Independent ___ Loving ___ Obedient