Latin America in a nutshell
Atacama Desert The driest place on earth.59 inches or rain per year
South America The Andes- longest continuous mountain range on earth.
The Amazon flows 4,000 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. Contains 1,000 tributaries (which are rivers or streams which flow into a larger body of water)
The Amazon River The Amazon River is an example of a: A) transportation barrier B) transportation corridor The amazon river is used as a major trade route through many countries in South America
The Andes Mountains Transportation corridor or transportation barrier?
Amazon Rainforest Transportation corridor or transportation barrier?
Deforestation (or the process of cutting trees away from forests) has greatly affected the Amazon rain forest.
A rancher’s point of view about deforestation of the Amazon rainforest would be: A) in favor of cutting the trees B) against cutting the trees Hint: look at what has already caused the most deforestation.
Mexico Mexico has two major mountain ranges (both share the same name) Sierra Madre!
The Mexican Plateau - known for having silver Ag Ag = silver Ag
Orizaba and Popocatepetl Volcanic activity is common in Mexico K7A
Place Mexico City is the 15 th most populated city in the world. What is a disadvantage to this? Air pollution is severe!
Earthquakes Mexico city is vulnerable to earthquakes
Most people move to urban areas to escape poverty
Climate Change can affect a lot! How might a country that relies on rivers for transportation and electricity form hydroelectric dams be affected by climate change? If the rain patterns change there could be less rainfall thus damaging both ecotourism and the country’s ability to produce electricity form hydroelectric dams.
History (Mexico)
Early Civilizations The Aztec were located in Tenochtitlan Modern Day Mexico City
The Maya were located in the Yucatan Peninsula
The Inca were located in the Andes Mountains Inca culture can still be seen today in the Quechua language which is still spoken in Peru.
The Conquistadors Hernan Cortez comes from Spain and Colonizes the Aztecs. Many of the Latin American natives died when the Europeans came because of 1. Harsh Treatment by the Europeans 2. European diseases like small pox 3. Battles with the Spanish Conquistadors
The Columbian Exchange After their conquest the Conquistadors set up a trade network. This network would send goods from Europe to the Americas and vice versa Cultural Diffusion!
Spanish Colonization Language and Religion spread due to Spanish Colonization of Latin America.
Mexican Independence The idea was based off the American Revolution 1808 France conquered Spain Father Miguel Hidalgo gives a fiery speech urging the Native Americans to throw off Spanish rule
Hidalgo was executed but his idea lived on! Mexico gains independence in 1821 inspired by the example of the United States and France
War with the United States 1835 what is now know as Texas decided to break off from Mexico's rule
Mexico's difficult with land After gaining independence Mexico had a hard time controlling their land due to distance and desert. This was a problem of geography (location)
Texas Independence The Mexican War Mexico loses and signs the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceding everything shown here in color to the United States.