Delivering strong partnerships to deliver better intelligence Jim Mechan Head of Public Health Intelligence NHS Central Lancashire A Learning Disabilities JSNA for Lancashire
Operation JSNA Leadership Group sets overall strategic priorities, work programme and budget IHL group manages and delivers the work programme through joint multi-agency working (eg districts, unitaries and county councils, public health intelligence teams, Joint Health Unit) Project groups based on expertise in the topic Also wider reference groups and partnership events
JSNA delivery structure Drawing on multi-agency expertise for specific JSNA working groups PCT Chair of IHL Executive director of adult and community services Executive director for children and young people’s services Directors of public health (x3) JSNA Leadership Group IHL Joint working arrangements JSNA project groups Specific project members
Process Online platform (Lancashire profile) provides data and intelligence on health, wellbeing and wider determinants Delivery of specific JSNAs, eg learning disabilities, and alcohol, drugs and tobacco Training and development to build capacity Bespoke project delivery
Structure and Context (1) JSNA Team (2 members) is positioned in the Corporate Research and Intelligence Team at LCC R&I team: social, economic, environmental intelligence, community safety intelligence (MADE), primary research, consultation, customer profiling, performance Much of this now feeds the JSNA online platform Data, intelligence and performance teams in Adult and Community Services, Directorate for Children and Young People and Environment Directorate
Structure and Context (2) Public Health Intelligence work as 3 teams across Lancashire (8 people) Contribute to a single JSNA work programme PCT funding supports the JSNA and MADE teams. PHI presence on MADE steering group and all three sit on the IHL group (including chair of IHL) Produce JSNA core data set PHI Publish analysis and intelligence articles All teams support and influence strategy, planning and commissioning
LD JSNA Selected as part of the JSNA Leadership Group Priority Setting Initial Working Group to Agree Scope of JSNA Initial data collection by all teams Assembled into Pre-defined Template for JSNA Includes demography (including projections) LD prevalence? Ethnicity Known risk factors/low birthweight/maternal education The evidence base
Plan for Action Learning from Previous Errors Short Term Report Writing Sessions 2 days of Experts ‘Locked down’ for 1 or 2 days with Data document Introduce references/best evidence and expert commentary around data Reduce Production Time from 6 months to only a few weeks in response to CCG’s and Health and Wellbeing needs Report Writing