the Library Imperial College London The story of iLIP: Developing an online information literacy staff development programme for library staff Debbi Boden, Louise Doolan & Julia Garthwaite
the Library Imperial College London Aims of session overview of staff development and information literacy (IL) drivers for iLIP (information literacy internal programme) the development of iLIP demonstration round up and questions
the Library Imperial College London Overview of information literacy staff development IL has become a core part of a librarian’s role we are busy selling / promoting IL to our customers but are we sure we have staff with the skills to deliver? library schools beginning to recognise a requirement for IL within the curriculum but … IL teaching skill only required in the Higher Education (HE) sector?
the Library Imperial College London Skills required Current knowledge of structure of information creation of literature searches how to search resources New understanding of IL knowledge of pedagogy terminology learning styles course design assessment management of group behaviour
the Library Imperial College London Staff development - issues not really covered in library schools learn on the job? external training time attitude
the Library Imperial College London Drivers for development of iLIP development of OLIVIA – Online Virtual Information Assistant who and what is OLIVIA? being used in 75% of the UG and PG taught course programmes new style of teaching blended teaching online tutorials quizzes self test critical evaluation sheets
the Library Imperial College London Drivers for development of iLIP erasing duplication of effort ensure consistency across all Faculties provide information on IL for all library staff storage facility for all teaching / IL materials
the Library Imperial College London Project management iLIP steering group Toolkit group Central library programme professional mix cultural / sectoral mix design
the Library Imperial College London
the Library Imperial College London Aims of iLIP to serve as a staff development tool what is IL? library IL strategic plan current awareness using WebCT discussion board to be used as a teaching aid lesson plans learning outcomes presentations assessment evaluation / feedback
the Library Imperial College London One size fits all! one style one brand one location – accessible 24 / 7
the Library Imperial College London Issues sustainability organic management of updates time buy in - marketing
the Library Imperial College London Future development review / evaluation pedagogy theory / practice part of the staff induction programme managing marketing rolling our central library programme NHS partnerships HE / Public
the Library Imperial College London iLIP