2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Background Vision Current Status Strategy Structure Product Roll Out Corporate Targets: 2003/4 Divisional Outputs Impediments to delivery Gearing for delivery
3 BACKGROUND HISTORY NEF Act 105 of 1998 CEO appointed April 2001 SOCE equity designated CAPITALISATION Portfolio estimated at R2,1bn Assets not transferred Presented capitalisation proposals NEF VENTURES NEF and IDC partnership Based on R200m commitment
4 VISION Vision “Leading provider of innovative finance and investment solutions for an inclusive economy.”
5 CURRENT STATUS INFRASTRUCTURE Physical and IT infrastructure POLICIES AND CONTROLS Organisation polices, procedures and controls Disciplined and rigorous investment process
6 STRATEGY Guided by government policy Transformation sensitive sectors Government initiatives BEE procurement Routine transactions Market making Risk reduction Entrepreneurship VC, PE and ME Big and small GeneralSpecific
7 STRUCTURE Private Equity Venture Capital Investment Services Corporate Centre
8 PRODUCT ROLL OUT VENTURE CAPITAL Finance economic empowerment and black business development. Progress and Prospects Established February 2002 Launch smaller fund (R – R3m) July 2003 Launch R 250m Incubator Fund.Subject to capitalisation
9 PRODUCT ROLLOUT PRIVATE EQUITY Finance economic empowerment and black business development. Progress and Prospects Established November 2002 Investment readinessApril 2003 Capital for organic businesses and M & A transactions through equity, quasi equity and debt Ongoing Warehouse assetsOngoing
10 PRODUCT ROLL OUT INVESTMENT SERVICES Promote savings and investments by offering mass empowerment Schemes backed by targeted programmes of investor education. Progress and Prospects EstablishedAugust 2002 Product designMarch 2003 Design delivery mechanismsMarch 2003 Design education programmeMarch 2003 Implement productMarch 2004 Participate in state IPO’s and other IPO’sOngoing
11 CORPORATE TARGETS: 2003/4 Venture CapitalR80m investments in 2003/4 Private EquityR180m investments in 2003/4 Investment ServicesR100m retail offering in 2004 Corporate R1bn for mining over five years R1bn for financial services over five years Capitalisation assumption R2,1billion in annual tranches of R420 million over five years Job creation spin offsEstimated at 9000 over 10 years
12 VENTURE CAPITAL OUTPUTS First deal of R5m approved. Four deals estimated at R25m in pipeline Target : July 2003 Targeting additional ten deals by year end. Based on R170m portion of R200m. Leverage the R30m fund to raise additional R30m. Estimated 10 deals March Additional R250m for Incubator Fund.
13 PRIVATE EQUITY OUTPUTS Based on R1,5 billion fund. At least one deal per month estimated at R20m. Targeting 9 deals for 2003/4. Total investment of R180m in year 1.
14 INVESTMENT SERVICES OUTPUTS R200m retail offering per annum over a five year period: First retail offering of R100m targeted for Estimated subscribers per offering. Focus on fewer, but large size offerings initially: Target LSM 1-6. Long-term investment & partial capital guarantee. Unitised portfolio investment ready 2004/2005. Warehousing of equity for future retail offers.
15 IMPEDIMENTS Delivery has been slower than anticipated. Integration of NEF Ventures into business. Staff turnover in NEF Ventures. Staffing capacity resulted in slow deal approval. PE CIO required to support NEF Ventures. Quality of received applications not optimal. Slow capitalisation resulting in one operating division.
16 GEARING FOR DELIVERY Building capacity to speed up deal through-put. Redesigned processes and systems to fast track deal approval. Reviewing mandate and redesigning products: Address changing market needs. Planning for redeployment of larger capital pool. Valuable experiences from first fund to launch next phase. Partnering other DFIs to raise capital and access market.
17 Key Management Chief Executive Officer : Khanya B Motshabi Chief Operations Officer : Motlalekhomo Mokhobo Acting Fund Manager : NEF Ventures : Dineo Skwambane Chief Investment Officer : Private Equity : Alun Frost Chief Investment Officer : Asset Management : Forthcoming General Manager : Marketing: Themba Langalibalele General Manager : Retail : Vijay Ramluckan