Locating resources Finding and adapting resources
Internet resources Teachers and learners need access to a range of high quality content and information resources but in a focused way. Search engines Learning materials E-text: journals, books, newspapers etc
Google™ The most widely used and complete internet search engine. [
Time for hands on Two useful guides to using Google: [ [
Key resources Resources FEHEACLSpecialist ferl.becta.org.ukFerl
RDN and VTS The Resource Discovery Network is the UK’s free national gateway to internet resources for the learning, teaching and research community [ The RDN Virtual Training Suite aims to help students, lecturers and researchers in UK higher and further education to develop their Internet information literacy and ICT skills [
The RDN The Resource Discovery Network is made up of hubs: SOSIG - the Social Science Information Gateway EEVL - (Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library) the Internet Guide for Engineering, Mathematics and Computing BIOME - Internet resources in Health and Life Sciences PSIgate - the Physical Sciences Information Gateway
The RDN The Resource Discovery Network is another gateway and it is made up of hubs: HUMBUL - the Humanities Hub ALTIS – Internet resources in Hospitality Leisure Sport and Tourism GEsource - Geography and Environment gateway Artifact - Arts and the Creative Industries
National Learning Network materials Over 800 hours of flexible, interactive learning spread across a range of curriculum areas. [
Ferl Ferl is an advice and guidance service supporting individuals and organisations in making effective use of ILT within the post compulsory education sector. [ferl.becta.org.uk]ferl.becta.org.uk
LTSN The Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) offers a network of 24 subject centres, based in higher education institutions throughout the UK, offering subject-specific expertise and information on learning and teaching including a range of resources. [
ACLearn The Community Learning Resource website supports Adult and Community Learning (ACL) and provides information about the extension of the National Learning Network (NLN) to ACL and related news, content and resources. [
Hands on time Resources FEHEACLSpecialist ferl.becta.org.ukFerl
Locating resources - End of presentation - Finding and adapting resources