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1905 – Sir William Osler, a renowned Canadian physician, most famous for his book "Principles and Practice of Medicine" is appointed Regius Chair of Medicine and becomes a delegate of The Press 1906 – Osler initiates publishing plans for the Quarterly Journal of Medicine (QJM), with the inaugural issue appearing in print the following year. QJM is acknowledged as being the first major medical publication by The Press, which now publishes over 1800 Medical textbooks and 40 medical journals 1970s – 65 years on OUP publishes 40 journals, based out of an office in Neasden, London. Journals published at this time include African Affairs, Brain, Early Music, and Journal of Experimental Botany 1980s – Journals UK department moves to Oxford 1985 – OUP USA starts a journals program, successfully launching a small number of new journals including American Literary History and The Review of Financial Studies 1988 – Journals office opens in Japan (Tokyo) with International Immunology 100 years journals publishing
1989 – Oxford Journals merges with IRL Press and relocate to IRL’s offices in Eynsham, Oxfordshire. The merge results in a total collection of 113 journals 1996 – OUP merges its journals programmes in the USA, US and Japan. As a result several very prominent journals are secured for the US list including Journal of the National Cancer Institute, American Journal of Epidemiology, and the World Bank journals 1997 – Japan Journals takes on a second journal (Journal of Electron Microscopy) and goes on to grow the list to 11 journals by – “Oxford Journals” undergoes a major rebranding exercise with design agency Wolf Olins, resulting in a new logo, website, and rebranded covers 2006 – Journals office opens in Beijing, China 2006 – We celebrate our centenary and the launch of our digital archive
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