AIM FRB Briefing Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) Briefer: Jamie Swaim Billet: Personnel Program Coordinator Learning Center: SLC Date: 11/04/08
Use of Traditional AIM I LP/TG Content ILT materials are maintained in Central Site AIM I, which is hosted by NAVAIR Orlando. Courses are exported to SCORM V1.2 and imported into Elite.
Top Five AIM Change Requests (ACRs) 1. AIM-I : Add RRL, OAC, and FAL to HTML output. 2. AIM-I : Add ability to create changes to RRL items. 3. AIM-I : Include TG graphics that were embedded in Word in SCORM output. 4. AIM-I : Allow simultaneous editing of TCCD, COI, and LP/TG. 5. AIM-I : Add Developing Authority functionality to LO module.
Electronic Classroom and ILT Delivery All ECs are connected to a central server, which contains the Elite courses, IETMs, IMIs, and Training Assets Menu. The EC Instructor stations are dual-monitored for simultaneous viewing presentation materials and staging of materials for broadcast to Student stations. Materials are sent to Student stations from the Instructor station using Robotel.
JTA/NJA Data and Process SSP has: Revised OCCSTDS Re-developed NJA and OCCSTDS Uploaded NJA into CPM (R&D site) from Excel spreadsheets Sent refreshed OCCSTDS for NAVMAC review SME Panel (SME, SLC, TYCOM, SSP, Fleet) Develops integrated OCCSTDS/NJA Skill Group (KSAs) Tasks (KSAs) Subtasks (KSAs) Steps (KSAs) Reviewed and approved SSP and SLC OCCSTDS WG Pulled NJA data out and created OCCSTDS update OCCSTDS Review/ Approval Process Operator NJA Technician NJA Manager NJA MT 3 OCCSTDS Functional Area Tasks Functional Area Tasks Functional Area Tasks Functional Area Tasks MT 2 OCCSTDS MT 1 OCCSTDS MTC OCCSTDS
ILE Projects and CPM/LO Module MT Continuum –MT Continuum Overview –Development Process
Small Arms Initial Training Course at TTF PRPBMS NWSG IPFCS MCRP OJT CAMP LAB Patrol #1PDTPPatrol #2 OJT ILTLABOJT SWS Tech FCS LCHR PDTPPatrol SWDO OJTLABILT PDTPPatrols Ops Course(s) At TTF Advanced Ops & Maint Course(s) At TTF ILT Mini-courses At TTF Prerequisite Requirements Apprentice Training Color codes: Journeyman Training Master Training SSBN Watch Station Qualification Watch Station Qualification Watch Station Qualification Watch Station Qualification Training Course at TTF Shore Tour Second and Third Sea Tours “A” School Patrols 3-5 of first sea tour MT Continuum Overview
MT Continuum Development Process
NJA Excel COI/ISD Word Doc
MT Continuum Process Lessons Learned Need to be able to update AIM data with changes made in final development (As Designed = As built) for maintenance of content. AIM automatic metadata needs better definition process to make more effective. Must have a “GOTS” product do the “finishing work”—or else minor changes require going back to developer EVEN if you have the source files. Need a Configuration Management toolset to control final product AND source files. (CMAD did NOT do this, and now no toolset is planned to accomplish).
Top Five AIM/CPM FRM Items 1. (Multiple FR items): Change Compare Report – surveillance needs are high and more costly than initial development. 2. (Multiple FR items): Work flow (approval) – ensures CM. 3. ( ): Import open XML into LO Module from other applications – supports maintaining as designed data (LO Module) = as built data (other app). 4. ( ): Import option to overwrite existing material or not – supports maintenance. 5. ( ): Build NLOS from existing NLOS and maintain links to existing content AND utilize the same ELO in LO Module – supports content re-use
Points of Contact Jamie Swaim or Richard Garrison or