The European Theater was decided to be more important by the Allies The major goal at the onset of the war was to protect Australia and India from Japan with as few troops as possible Due to this, Japan was able to take over virtually every island they came upon (keep this in mind)
Japan landed in the Philippines on December 22, 1942 American troops were forced to retreat to the Bataan Peninsula Held out for 3 months before finally surrendering on April 9 th, 1943 MacArthur: “I will return.”
75,000 Filipino and American soldiers were forced to walk 61 miles to Camp O’Donnell Japanese soldiers “dehumanized” their captives Took 5-6 days filled with random beatings and other abuses Estimated that only 54,000 made it alive 2,200 Americans and 22,000 Filipinos would be executed at Camp O’Donnell before it was liberated in 1945
The American strategy in the Pacific following VE Day American forces would “hop” from island to island in order to slowly get closer to Japan
June 4-6, 1942 Japan launched an attack aimed at eliminating the threat of American aircraft carriers America had deciphered the Japanese code and knew the attack was coming Japan lost 4 carriers, a cruiser, 300 planes, and 5,000 men Decisive American victory
June 19-20, 1944 “Marianas Turkey Shoot” Lopsided American victory Japan lost 3 carriers and 400 planes
Largest naval battle in history October 23-26, 1944 Cripples Japan’s navy (lost 3 battleships, 6 cruisers, and the rest of its carriers) Introduction of the kamikaze Allowed for the eventual retaking of the Philippines in January 1945
Began February 19, 1945 Would last through March Costliest battle of the war in the Pacific 25,000 American casualties, 7,000 deaths Only 1,100 Japanese soldiers made it out alive The last 2 surrendered in 1951, 6 years after the war ended
American Troops landed on Okinawa on April 1, 1945 We now had a decision to make…