CoDeS, a LLL-Comenius multilateral network: – Coordinating Organisation: SUB (Stiftung Umweltbildung Schweiz, Bern) Coordinator: Christine Affolter
The CoDeS Consortium Stiftung Umweltbildung SchweizENSI, Belgium BMUKK, AustriaAlpen-Adria University, KLagenfurt, Austria Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHAssociation Lacoal Agenda 21, Vienna Municipality Wiener Neudorf, AustriaHogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Cyprus Pedagogical InstituteFrederick University, Cyprus University of Helsinki, FinlandANU Hessia, Germany Umweltlernen Frankfurt, GermanyNatl & Kapodistrian University, Athens University of the Aegean, RhodesBudapest University of Technology Hungarian Research Teachers AssociationLegambiente Italy Wageningen University, NetherlandsNorwegian Centre for Science Education, Oslo HERO, RomaniaNational Education Institute, Slovenia University of Primorska, SloveniaAutonomous University of Barcelona, Spain De Monford University, UKMF Associates, UK Sense and Sustainability Training, UKCheongju National University of Education, Rep. Korea
Goals of CoDeS Level research: Initiating research on existing cases to identify: Success factors and obstacles of collaborative work Indicators for successful cooperative work A framework for school-community cooperation Level school and community collaboration: Build and support a culture of “collaborative knowledge-building” Compile methods and tools Pilot and evaluate new materials and accesses Organize in-service seminars (IST) for teachers, offer exchange of expertise for community members, teachers and other stakeholders
Level school: Initiate “collaborative knowledge-building” to achieve Competencies relevant for science learning Experiences in self guided ‘close to the fact’ learning Reflection of own experiences Reflection on social developments and role models Foster the dialogue between school and community
Overview of CoDeS outcomes, copied from the final reporting: We have been investing and working in: EVENTS: 1. Conference Vienna (AU), May 2012, 80 participants 2. Conference Kerkrade (NL), May 2013, 100 participants 3. Conference Barcelona (CAT), May 2014, 130 participants 4. Partner meeting 1, Friedrichsdorf (DE) November Partner meeting 2 Györ (HU) October Partner meeting 3 Larnaka (CY) October Seven steering board meetings: Friedrichsdorf (DE), Vienna (AT), Györ (HU), Kerkrade (NL), Larnaca (CY), Barcelona (ES), Ljubljana (SI) MANAGEMENT: 8. Full management and reporting of CoDeS project outcomes and activities over three years
PUBLICATIONS for school-community collaboration: Travelling guide for school and community collaborations for sustainable developmentEN, DE, HU Toolbox for school ad community collaborationEN, DE, IT CoDeS selected cases on school-community collaborationEN, CAT Key stones on school-community collaborationEN, GR, ES Digital handbook for local authorities for school-community collaboration EN, DE free download from
Overview of CoDeS outcomes, copied from the final reporting: E-TOOLS: Website: 20’000 clicks E-platform: new school projects Campaign on CO2 Reduction: 24 new projects Digital handbook for local authorities free download Blog on CoDeS cases 4334 clicks
RESEARCH REPORTS: Profiles of isolated communities and ways into integrationEN External evaluation report on CoDeSEN Internal evaluation report on CoDeSEN
Work goes on! We know that work on school-community collaboration for sustainable development goes on. We invite you to share your efforts with the ENSI and CoDeS community and to make your work visible at You will find news and information in ensi mailings and on ensi’s homepage. For subscribing ensi’s mailing please contact:
ENSI is an international government-based network that places emphasis on school development in the field of Education for Sustainable Development. For nearly 30 years enSI has supported educational developments such as active approaches to teaching and learning, and citizenship education through: 1.research, 2.policy development and exchange of experiences and knowledge. See enSI: Environment and School Initiatives