References Chapter 2.11, 2.13
IMPORTANT TIDBITS FROM CH distributive rule and vector-scalar multiplication distributive rule and vector-vector dot product
PROBLEM* *: I’m intentionally not going to put problem solutions in these slides – take good notes!
DOT PRODUCT, CONT. α β γ A B C Law of Cosines is like the Pythagorean Theorem for any type of triangle (not just right triangles) Note: for right triangles, the last term is 0…
DERIVATION OF INTERP. #2 Law of Cosines θ “squaring” step1, using step3 D.P. follows distributive rule & step 5 (F.O.I.L) “Quod Erat Demonstrandum”, or “which had to be demonstrated”, or this to a mathematician…
NOT CONVINCED? θ θ is ~55 degrees
EXAMPLE, CONTINUED Theta is ~55 degrees. Interpretation#1: Interpretation#2: (we estimated the angle (it’s more like 55.8 degrees) and rounded off the lengths, otherwise they'd be identical)
We can come up with an exact value for θ, given any two vectors using a little algebra and our two definitions of dot product. APPLICATION OF D.P #2 (CALCULATION OF Θ)
Acute θ is the angle between v and w. In each of these cases, think of what cos(θ) would be… APPLICATION OF DOT PRODUCT #3 v w θ v w θ v w θ v w θ v w θ θ≈45 θ≈12 0 θ≈18 0 θ≈90 NOTE: We never have to deal with the case of θ > 180. Why?? cos(45)=0.707 cos(120)=-0.5 cos(90)=0 cos(180)=-1 Obtuse Right.
We can classify what type of angle is made by two vectors by looking at the sign of the dot product. Acute: Obtuse: Right: If v and w are both unit-length (normalized), we can make some more observations: APPLICATION OF DOT PRODUCT #3 (Θ “CATEGORIZATION”) if they are equal (the d.p is close to 1 if they’re in the same general direction). ALWAYS! if they are opposite (the d.p is close to -1 if they’re in generally opposite directions).
It works even if they make an obtuse angle APPLICATION #4, CONT.