Art in the Era of Absolutism


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Presentation transcript:

Art in the Era of Absolutism Baroque Art: 17th Century Art of the Monarchs, late Reformation and Counter Reformation Religious in Italy, Spain and France More Secular in the North, England Rococo Art: 1730’s-1770’s Most popular in France and Germany Emphasize grace and gentle movement

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Baroque Art 1600 – 1750. From Portuguese: “barocca,” meaning “a pearl of irregular shape.” Implies strangeness, irregularity, & extravagance. The more dramatic, the better Strong diagonals and use of light. Colors were brighter than bright; darks were darker than dark. Counter-Reformation art. Paintings & sculptures in church contexts should speak to the illiterate rather than the well-informed. Ecclesiastical art; appeal to emotions.

Counter Reformation Baroque Italy: 1590-1680 religious works; church patron; drama, intensity, movement Caravaggio Atremesia Gentileschi Bernini Spain: 1625-1660 court portraits; monarch patron; realistic, dignity Velazquez Belgium/Flemish: 1600-1640 altarpieces; church and monarch patrons; florid style; sensuality Rubens Van Dyck

The Conversion of St Paul

Ecstasy of St. Teresa Bernini 1647

Comparing Renaissance and Baroque- Michelangelo’s David and Bernini’s David David Michaelangelo 1504 David Bernini 1623

The Landing of Marie de Medici at Marsailles Rubens 1623

Charles I, King of England at the Hunt Anthony van Dyck 1635

Dutch Golden Age 1630-1670 people are patrons; visual accuracy; studies of light Still Life’s Claesz Heda Heem Landscape Ruisdael Cuyp Genre and Portrait Hals Rembrandt Maes Vermeer Steen

The Nightwatch (detail) Rembrandt 1642

Rembrandt - The Sampling Officials of the Drapers Guild 1662

1660 Self Portraits 1669

The Milkmaid Vermeer 1658

France Baroque into Rococo Baroque 1670-1715 classical landscapes; decorative architecture; monarch patron; pretentious style; order and ornament Claude Lorrain George La Tour Pierre Puget Rococo 1725-1775 ornate, shell-like, playful, sinuous; ornate architecture and palaces; monarchy and nobility; Watteau Chardin Boucher Fragonard

Pilgrimage to Cythera Watteau 1717