StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Story by Annette Lamb With photos from NOAA Library My Dive in the Florida Reefs
StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Elkhorn Coral After diving over the side of the boat, I swam toward the coral. The white-spotted filefish was swimming in the elkhorn coral.
StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Moray eel I swam around a tall grouping of coral and right into the face of a moray eel. What a sight! His big blue eyes and huge mouth came right at me.
StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Hawksbill Turtle After my experience with the moray eel, I become more careful watching my surroundings. I noticed a hawksbill turtle swimming toward me.
StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Colorful Coral Next, I turned my attention toward the beauty of the coral. I was amazed at the varied, bright colors of the sponge, coral, and searod around me.
StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Life Everywhere Everywhere I turned I saw exciting forms of life in all shapes and sizes such as the Atlantic trumpet triton and the cushion sea star.
StartStop 2Stop 3Stop 4Stop 5Stop 6Stop 1Next Back Back to Work Although I had a great time exploring the coral kingdom, my partner reminded me that it was time to get back to work. This adventure wasn’t just for fun, as marine biologists we had a job to do helping preserve this beautiful place.