Molecules of Life. Water The human body is mostly water –Lean muscle: ____ water –Blood: ____ water –Body fat: ___ water –Bone: ___ water All living organisms.


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Presentation transcript:

Molecules of Life

Water The human body is mostly water –Lean muscle: ____ water –Blood: ____ water –Body fat: ___ water –Bone: ___ water All living organisms require water to live

Properties of Water Water is a ________ _________ – Each atom has a partial charge –Molecule has zero net charge Polar molecules have special properties –___________ –Bond with each other (___________) –Take longer to heat and cool O HH δ - δ + O HH δ - δ + O HH δ - δ +

Water Trivia What occupies more volume – 8 oz of water at room temperature, or 8 oz of water at -10 F? Answer: ____________, because ______________ _________________________________________

Properties of Water Water molecules are attracted to molecules of solid surfaces (___________) _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _(capillary action)

Carbon A carbon atom has _____________________ – wants to make 4 bonds to be stable Carbon can bond with itself and many other elements Because it’s so friendly, _____________ __________________________

Organic Molecules ___________________________________________ _________ organic molecule !! Except CO 2 !! Most organic molecules are arranged like chains –Each link is a __________ –A chain is a _________ –A large molecule made of a long chain or chains is a ____________________

Types of Organic Molecules

Carbohydrates Molecules used for energy, __________________ –Monosaccharide: a simple sugar (glucose, fructose, galactose) –Disaccharide: _______________________ bound together (sucrose aka table sugar) –Polysaccharide: 3 or more monosaccharides (___________ hundreds of glucose molecules bonded together)

Lipids Fatty compounds made of C H O, ____________________ (hydrophobic) –________________ are composed two lipid layers, which keep water from crossing into or out of the cell randomly Lipids are polymers made up of fatty acid monomers –Fatty acids have __________________________ Non polar (Boo water!) Polar (Yay water!)

Lipid Trivia Why do polar molecules like to interact with water, and non polar ones don’t? Answer: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Lipid Layers Lipids in water will arrange themselves to __________________________________ __________________________________ Cell membranes are composed of a ___________________

Other Lipids

Nucleic Acids The genetic material in any cell –__________________________ (DNA) and ___________________________ (RNA) –Polymer chains composed of a combination of 5 different monomers

Nucleic Acids _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ –Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine (DNA only), Uracil (RNA only) –Bond in specific pairs –__________________________ Nucleic acid polymers are millions of monomers long, _________ ______________________ Helix unwinds during replication (copying)

DNA Trivia The DNA from a single human cell has a length of ~ 5.9 feet. The biggest cells are less than 0.1 inches across How can so much DNA fit in a cell? Answer: __________________________________ __________________________________

Proteins Structural building blocks of cells in all tissues (not just muscle!) Polymers composed of 300 – 100k+ monomers Monomers are called ______________________ There are 20 amino acids, many of which must come from your diet

Protein Structure Primary structure – Secondary structure –

Protein Structure Tertiary structure – Quaternary Structure –

Proteins in your body