Lin Guenther
The beginnings 508 B.C.: Cleisthenes creates ten tribes of Athens Tribes named after ancient heroes Eponymous: giving one’s name to a tribe or place. Oracle of Apollo at Delphi chose names from list
The Agora Source:
The monument as the central hub for public announcements: Proposed legislation Lawsuits Summons for military service Source:
Model Monument of the Eponymous Heroes Source:
The Heroes Erechtheus (Erechtheis) Aegeus (Aegeis) Pandion (Pandionis) Leos (Leontis) Acamas (Acamantis) Oeneus (Oeneis) Cecrops (Cecropis) Hippothoon (Hippothontis) Aiax (Aiantis) Antiochos (Antiochis) The heroes had no significant relation to the tribe which they represented.
Erechtheus Early king of Athens Raised by Athena Erechtheion named after him... Aegeus Father of Theseus Aegean Sea named after him Pandion Early king of Athens Father of Aegeus Leos Sacrificed his daughters for Athens Leocorium Acamas Son of Theseus Involved in Trojan War
Oeneus Son of Pandion Cecrops Founder of Athens Half man, half serpent First to sacrifice to Athena Hippothoon Son of Poseidon Ajax Great warrior Antiochos Son of Herakles
Importance of one’s tribe By tribe an Athenian would : Be allotted to public office Vote Perform in coral dances in the theatre Compete in sacred games Serve in council Be conscripted Fight in battle
Source: Ancient%20Agora%20of%20Athens_files/IMAGE005.JPG Source: Today
Restructuring the Heroes Antigonos & Demetrios Macedonian kings Added 307/6 B.C....removed end of 3 rd Cent. B.C. due to war against Macedon Ptolemy III Euergetes: B.C. King Attalos: 200 B.C. Hadrian: 124/5 B.C.