Biology Trivia
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What is the most common element in the human body? A.) Carbon B.) Hydrogen C.) Calcium D.) Oxygen Need team mate to block
What is the scientific term for the production of light by living organisms? A.) Photosynthesis B.) Syzygy C.) Bioluminescence D.) Luminary Effervescence Need team mate to block
Unlike most fish, Sharks have no _____? A.) Bones B.) Heart C.) Liver D.) Gills Need team mate to block
What human organ cleans fifty gallons of blood everyday? A.) Liver B.) Kidneys C.) Heart D.) Stomach Need team mate to block
What illness accounted for 40 percent of U.S. military casualties during WW1? A.) Gangrene B.) Influenza C.) Smallpox D.) Syphilis Need team mate to block
What living animal has the heaviest brain? A.) African Bush elephant B.) Human C.) Black Rhinoceros D.) Sperm wale Need team mate to block
What is the scientific term for an apparent “throwback” characteristic of an organism that reveals a trait of an earlier ancestor A.) Atavism B.) Dormancy C.) Commensalism D.) Meiosis Need team mate to block
Which of the following has more bones? A.) Teenager B.) Baby C.) Adult D.) All are the same Need team mate to block
Which of the following has the longest recorded life span? A.) Termite B.) Chimpanzee C.) Fresh water oyster D.) Indian Elephant Need team mate to block
What was the first genetically engineered organism? A.) Tobacco B.) Corn C.) Sheep D.) Rat Need team mate to block
When was the idea of the atom introduced? A.) 1050 B.) 1791 C.) 1942 D.) 450 B.C. Need team mate to block
In 2004, what was discovered on the island of Flores in Indonesia? A.) Remains of a hobbit-sized human species B.) A living dinosaur C.) A tribe who lived over 150 years D.) A plant with a mammal like brain Need team mate to block
An earthquake that measures 8 on the Richter scale would be how many times stronger if it was 4 on the same scale? A.) 2 times stronger B.) 10,000 times stronger C.) 4 times stronger D.) 100 times stronger Need team mate to block
What is the gestation period of an hippopotamus? A.) 4 months B.) 12 months C.) 16 months D.)8 months Need team mate to block
What physicist discovered that a waves frequency changes when the sources and observer are in the motion relative to one another? A.) Max Planck B.) Christian Doopler C.) Enrino Fermi D.) Albert Einstein Need team mate to block
In what type of matter are atoms most tightly packed? A.) Solids B.) Gases C.) Liquids D.) All the same Need team mate to block
Which of the following means “rain” when added to a clouds name? A.) Alto B.) Nimbus C.) Strato D.) Cirrus Need team mate to block
What is the longest river in the world? A.) Nile B.) Amazon C.) Congo D.) None Need team mate to block
How many brains did the Stegosauras have? A.) Two B.) None C.) One D.) Four Need team mate to block
What instrument is used to measure wind speed? A.) Barometer B.) Altimeter C.) Fanometer D.) Anemometer Need team mate to block
ALakersArenaPumpupvictorysongJockJamsmp Created by: B. Schimara - Aug. 2007