Network Layer4-1 Chapter 4 roadmap 4.1 Introduction and Network Service Models 4.2 Routing Principles 4.3 Hierarchical Routing 4.4 The Internet (IP) Protocol 4.5 Routing in the Internet 4.6 What’s Inside a Router 4.7 IPv6 4.8 Multicast Routing 4.9 Mobility
Network Layer4-2 Network layer functions r transport packet from sending to receiving hosts r network layer protocols in every host, router three important functions: r path determination: route taken by packets from source to dest. Routing algorithms r forwarding: move packets from router’s input to appropriate router output r call setup: some network architectures require router call setup along path before data flows network data link physical network data link physical network data link physical network data link physical network data link physical network data link physical network data link physical network data link physical application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical
Network Layer4-3 Network service model Q: What service model for “channel” transporting packets from sender to receiver? r guaranteed bandwidth? r preservation of inter-packet timing (no jitter)? r loss-free delivery? r in-order delivery? r congestion feedback to sender? ? ? ? virtual circuit or datagram? The most important abstraction provided by network layer: service abstraction
Network Layer4-4 Datagram networks: the Internet model r no call setup at network layer r routers: no state about end-to-end connections m no network-level concept of “connection” r packets forwarded using destination host address m packets between same source-dest pair may take different paths application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical 1. Send data 2. Receive data
Network Layer4-5 Chapter 4 roadmap 4.1 Introduction and Network Service Models 4.2 Routing Principles m Link state routing m Distance vector routing 4.3 Hierarchical Routing 4.4 The Internet (IP) Protocol 4.5 Routing in the Internet 4.6 What’s Inside a Router 4.7 IPv6 4.8 Multicast Routing 4.9 Mobility
Network Layer4-6 Routing Graph abstraction for routing algorithms: r graph nodes are routers r graph edges are physical links m link cost: delay, $ cost, or congestion level Goal: determine “good” path (sequence of routers) thru network from source to dest. Routing protocol A E D CB F r “good” path: m typically means minimum cost path m other def’s possible
Network Layer4-7 Chapter 4 roadmap 4.1 Introduction and Network Service Models 4.2 Routing Principles 4.3 Hierarchical Routing 4.4 The Internet (IP) Protocol m IPv4 addressing m Moving a datagram from source to destination m Datagram format m IP fragmentation m ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol m DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol m NAT: Network Address Translation 4.5 Routing in the Internet 4.6 What’s Inside a Router 4.7 IPv6 4.8 Multicast Routing 4.9 Mobility
Network Layer4-8 The Internet Network layer forwarding table Host, router network layer functions: Routing protocols path selection RIP, OSPF, BGP IP protocol addressing conventions datagram format packet handling conventions ICMP protocol error reporting router “signaling” Transport layer: TCP, UDP Link layer physical layer Network layer
Network Layer4-9 IP Addressing: introduction r IP address: 32-bit identifier for host, router interface r interface: connection between host/router and physical link m router’s typically have multiple interfaces m host may have multiple interfaces m IP addresses associated with each interface =
Network Layer4-10 IP Addressing r IP address: m network part (high order bits) m host part (low order bits) r What’s a network ? ( from IP address perspective) m device interfaces with same network part of IP address m can physically reach each other without intervening router network consisting of 3 IP networks (for IP addresses starting with 223, first 24 bits are network address) LAN
Network Layer4-11 IP Addressing How to find the networks? r Detach each interface from router, host r create “islands of isolated networks Interconnected system consisting of six networks
Network Layer4-12 IP Addresses 0 network host 10 network host 110 networkhost 1110 multicast address A B C D class to to to to bits given notion of “network”, let’s re-examine IP addresses: “class-full” addressing:
Network Layer4-13 IP addressing: CIDR r Classful addressing: m inefficient use of address space, address space exhaustion m e.g., class B net allocated enough addresses for 65K hosts, even if only 2K hosts in that network r CIDR: Classless InterDomain Routing m network portion of address of arbitrary length m address format: a.b.c.d/x, where x is # bits in network portion of address network part host part /23
Network Layer4-14 IP addresses: how to get one? Q: How does host get IP address? r hard-coded by system admin in a file m Wintel: control-panel->network->configuration- >tcp/ip->properties m UNIX: /etc/rc.config r DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: dynamically get address from as server m “plug-and-play” (more shortly)
Network Layer4-15 Getting a datagram from source to dest. IP datagram: A B E misc fields source IP addr dest IP addr data r datagram remains unchanged, as it travels source to destination r addr fields of interest here Dest. Net. next router Nhops forwarding table in A
Network Layer4-16 Getting a datagram from source to dest. Starting at A, send IP datagram addressed to B: r look up net. address of B in forwarding table r find B is on same net. as A r link layer will send datagram directly to B inside link-layer frame m B and A are directly connected Dest. Net. next router Nhops misc fields data A B E forwarding table in A
Network Layer4-17 Getting a datagram from source to dest. Dest. Net. next router Nhops Starting at A, dest. E: r look up network address of E in forwarding table r E on different network m A, E not directly attached r routing table: next hop router to E is r link layer sends datagram to router inside link- layer frame r datagram arrives at r continued….. misc fields data A B E forwarding table in A
Network Layer4-18 Getting a datagram from source to dest. Arriving at , destined for r look up network address of E in router’s forwarding table r E on same network as router’s interface m router, E directly attached r link layer sends datagram to inside link-layer frame via interface r datagram arrives at !!! (hooray!) misc fields data Dest. Net router Nhops interface A B E forwarding table in router
Network Layer4-19 IP datagram format ver length 32 bits data (variable length, typically a TCP or UDP segment) 16-bit identifier Internet checksum time to live 32 bit source IP address IP protocol version number header length (bytes) max number remaining hops (decremented at each router) for fragmentation/ reassembly total datagram length (bytes) upper layer protocol to deliver payload to head. len type of service “type” of data flgs fragment offset upper layer 32 bit destination IP address Options (if any) E.g. timestamp, record route taken, specify list of routers to visit. how much overhead with TCP? r 20 bytes of TCP r 20 bytes of IP r = 40 bytes + app layer overhead
Network Layer4-20 DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Goal: allow host to dynamically obtain its IP address from network server when it joins network Can renew its lease on address in use Allows reuse of addresses (only hold address while connected an “on” Support for mobile users who want to join network (more shortly) DHCP overview: m host broadcasts “DHCP discover” msg m DHCP server responds with “DHCP offer” msg m host requests IP address: “DHCP request” msg m DHCP server sends address: “DHCP ack” msg
Network Layer4-21 DHCP client-server scenario A B E DHCP server arriving DHCP client needs address in this network
Network Layer4-22 DHCP client-server scenario DHCP server: arriving client time DHCP discover src : , 68 dest.: ,67 yiaddr: transaction ID: 654 DHCP offer src: , 67 dest: , 68 yiaddrr: transaction ID: 654 Lifetime: 3600 secs DHCP request src: , 68 dest:: , 67 yiaddrr: transaction ID: 655 Lifetime: 3600 secs DHCP ACK src: , 67 dest: , 68 yiaddrr: transaction ID: 655 Lifetime: 3600 secs
Network Layer4-23 NAT: Network Address Translation local network (e.g., home network) /24 rest of Internet Datagrams with source or destination in this network have /24 address for source, destination (as usual) All datagrams leaving local network have same single source NAT IP address: , different source port numbers
Network Layer4-24 NAT: Network Address Translation r Motivation: local network uses just one IP address as far as outside word is concerned: m no need to be allocated range of addresses from ISP: - just one IP address is used for all devices m can change addresses of devices in local network without notifying outside world m can change ISP without changing addresses of devices in local network m devices inside local net not explicitly addressable, visible by outside world (a security plus).
Network Layer4-25 NAT: Network Address Translation Implementation: NAT router must: m outgoing datagrams: replace (source IP address, port #) of every outgoing datagram to (NAT IP address, new port #)... remote clients/servers will respond using (NAT IP address, new port #) as destination addr. m remember (in NAT translation table) every (source IP address, port #) to (NAT IP address, new port #) translation pair m incoming datagrams: replace (NAT IP address, new port #) in dest fields of every incoming datagram with corresponding (source IP address, port #) stored in NAT table
Network Layer4-26 NAT: Network Address Translation S: , 3345 D: , : host sends datagram to , 80 NAT translation table WAN side addr LAN side addr , , 3345 …… S: , 80 D: , S: , 5001 D: , : NAT router changes datagram source addr from , 3345 to , 5001, updates table S: , 80 D: , : Reply arrives dest. address: , : NAT router changes datagram dest addr from , 5001 to , 3345
Network Layer4-27 NAT: Network Address Translation r 16-bit port-number field: m 60,000 simultaneous connections with a single LAN-side address! r NAT is controversial: m routers should only process up to layer 3 m violates end-to-end argument NAT possibility must be taken into account by app designers, e.g., P2P applications m address shortage should instead be solved by IPv6
Network Layer4-28 IPv6 r Initial motivation: 32-bit address space completely allocated by r Additional motivation: m header format helps speed processing/forwarding m header changes to facilitate QoS m new “anycast” address: route to “best” of several replicated servers r IPv6 datagram format: m fixed-length 40 byte header m no fragmentation allowed
Network Layer4-29 IPv6 Header (Cont) Priority: identify priority among datagrams in flow Flow Label: identify datagrams in same “flow.” (concept of“flow” not well defined). Next header: identify upper layer protocol for data
Network Layer4-30 Other Changes from IPv4 r Checksum: removed entirely to reduce processing time at each hop r Options: allowed, but outside of header, indicated by “Next Header” field r ICMPv6: new version of ICMP m additional message types, e.g. “Packet Too Big” m multicast group management functions