Welcome to Early Years Working with babies Nutrition.Co.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Early Years Working with babies Nutrition.Co

This is a package that will help you to Consolidate the knowledge you have Be used as a revision method A fun way of finding out more information

Nutrition.Co There are 4 PowerPoint presentations Each has a hyperlink to either a piece of work, a web site or a quiz to test your knowledge Have a go!

Nutrition.Co Click on a picture to start and visit all the presentations Food for baby in first year of life Making up formula feeds Sterilising Baby Feeding Equipment Diet and Nutrition

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Food for baby in first year of life Breast milk or Modified formula milks From 6 months onwards weaning onto solid foods

Milk as food Breast milk – human milk Formula milks – these are modified cows milk Soya milk

Milk requirements Breast milk up to a maximum of 1 year Formula milk can be given up to 1 year 1 pint of milk (500mls) daily up to the age of 5 years Semi-skimmed milk may be introduced at the age of 2 years.

First weaning foods The government recommends that babies are introduce to solid foods at 6 months of age There are three stages to the weaning process: pureed, mashed, and chopped.

1 st Stage Pureed or liquidised foods Baby rice –rice based cereal added iron ideal as a first weaning food  Fruit and vegetables are ideal in the first month of weaning. Texture: runny, double cream consistency

Foods to avoid  Avoid wheat-based foods (gluten) for the first month of weaning.  Never add any salt or sugar to baby’s foods.

2 nd Stage Lumpy or mashed foods  Mashed of lumpy foods help the baby to develop a chewing action which help with speech development.  Foods that can be introduces are meats, fish, beans, wheat based foods.

3 rd Stage Chopped or finger foods Family foods which have been chopped so child can use fingers or a spoon to eat Each baby is an individual By the age of 12 months the baby should be able to tolerate chopped and finger foods and join in with family meals

Now test your knowledge Click on the icon and print off ‘Planning a balanced meal’ State the age of the child The nutrients contained in the meal Show it to your tutor Return to main menu

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Making up Formula milk

Hygiene It is essential that hands are washed and dried on a clean towel. Washing hands removes bacteria this prevents contamination of sterilised equipment.

Removing the equipment Use tips of fingers to remove the teats and bottles Place on drainer Cool boiled water can be used to rinse the bottle

Add the water first Cool boiled water is poured into bottle at required level Place bottle on flat surface to check the right amount of water

Mixing a formula milk Read the instructions on the packet or tin of milk Check the ratio of scoops of powdered milk to that of water Level the powered milk using a plastic knife or spatula

Adding the milk Add the number of scoops of milk to the amount of water 1 scoop to 1oz/30mls of water Ratio 1:1

Mixing the feed Put the bottle cover on Shake the bottle until all the powered milk is dissolved

Covering the bottle Place the sterilised teat on the bottle Cover with sterilised plastic bottle cover

Storage of milk Store the milk in a fridge Several bottles can be made and stored at one time Must be used within 24 hours or discarded

Washing up As important as sterilisation is washing the bottles Milk can form a crust around the bottle neck and teat Use hot soapy water and a bottle brush.

Next you can now look at sterilisation and weaning Click on picture for quiz Return to main menu

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Sterilising Baby Feeding Equipment

Cold water sterilisation Use of Sodium Hypochlorite to sterilize plastic equipment Need to submerge items below water level – no air bubbles Takes 30 minutes to sterilize equipment Solution lasts for 24 hours

Steam sterilisation Sterilisation through steam. Bottles placed upside down Light on unit will indicate that sterilization has occurs Caution:Very hot when opening unit

Microwave sterilisation Each manufacture will have different advise about use of their unit Follow manufactures advice Caution: Very hot when finished

Boiling to sterilise equipment Items are placed into a saucepan and boiled. 10 minutes of boiling will sterilise the equipment Caution: Very hot

Now test your knowledge! Click on picture for quiz Return to main menu

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Diet and Nutrition

A balanced Diet A balanced diet is an intake of food that provides the nutrients the body needs in the right quantities. A varied selection of foods will often ensure that the diet is nutritious.

Food is life - Without food we cannot live Food helps growth and gives energy so that children can develop. Food we eat in childhood has been seen to affect our health in later life. A healthy diet in childhood is one indicator of high life expectancy. Food is fun and is pleasurable. It gives opportunities for children to become independent and socialise.

Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins and Minerals

Proteins For growth and repair Complete proteins are from animals Complete proteins contain all 10 essential amino acids Incomplete proteins are found in vegetables Click on icon to find our more

Carbohydrates Provides energy Carbohydrates are in the form of starches and sugars Click on icon to find out more

Fats Provides energy and essential vitamins Fats are divided into: Saturated fats Unsaturated fats included are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats Click on icon to find our more

Vitamins and Minerals Essential for : Growth Development Normal body function Click on icon to find our more

Click on icons to hyperlink to other packages Quick check your nutrients Click here Return to main menu