6 Examples of Brands with a long History.
The first marvel comic is completely different to todays because back in the 1940s they had to hand draw ever think but know with have computers we can use them to tidy up the edges and make the draws look a lot more nit and tidy and the font between them are very different now days we use computer fonts then as I said early its hand drawn. First comicNewest comic
The coca cola logo has not changed much thought the years but the product design has changed very very much other the years they went form bottles to cans a back to bottles and keep going between the two. First bottleTodays can
The nokia have changed a lot thought the years but they had to, to keep up with the trend people want touch screens not keypads especial kids these days because kids want to have Facebook and Snapchat and all sorts of apps on there phones you can do that on the old nokias. First NokiaNewest Nokia
The kfc logo has changed very much other the years now days it’s a lot simpler because everyone knows what kfc is but back then they had to make it very clear and easy to understand and thought the years they have added some colour. First logoTodays logo
The Heinz ketchup bottles have gone form glass to plastic the does not only make it family friendly but looks better and have become a lot more colourful and a lot more popular the don’t only just have ketchup they have beans bQQ sauce and more. First productTodays product
Nike have changed a lot thought the years the have become a lot more popular and now days all the kids are wanting pairs more than just one and Nike have made a lot of money other the years not only in trainers but tops coats and trousers. First trainerNikes newest trainer
Here is a good example of how The Coca-Cola and Pepsi Logos Have changed over the years.