Measuring Tutorial Gabby Witcpalek
First gather your tools Spoon 1/3Dry Measuring cup Brown sugar Straight edge spatula 2/3 Cup of Brown Sugar
With your 1/3 measuring cup, spoon in brown sugar (making sure it’s mounding) 2/3 Cup of Brown Sugar (continued)
With your spoon firmly pack in the brown sugar. Make sure you hold the bottom of the dry measuring cup in your hand or place on a flat surface while packing to prevent the handle from bending/breaking. 2/3 Cup of Brown Sugar (continued)
Take the measuring cup and hold it over a garbage bowl, brown sugar bag, or excess material bowl. 2/3 Cup of Brown Sugar (continued)
Now with the straight edge spatula hold it perpendicular with the measuring cup and scrape of excess brown sugar making sure to scrape away from you 2/3 Cup of Brown Sugar (continued)
Repeat steps to get final amount of 2/3 cup of Brown sugar 2/3 Cup of Brown Sugar (continued)
First gather your tools Spoon Dry measuring cup Flour Flat edge spatula ¾ Cup of Flour
Carefully reach into the bag with a spoon and spoon in ½ a cup of flour and ¼ cup of flour ¾ Cup of Flour (continued)
Make sure your measurements are mounding ¾ Cup of Flour (continued)
Hold your measuring cup over the garbage, flour bag or excess material bowl. ¾ Cup of Flour (continued)
Now with your flat edge spatula hold it straight and scrape off top layer of flour away from you to make it even ¾ Cup of Flour (continued)
If you follow this guide right you will be a measuring expert.