Fraction information to accompany The Spoons Eat Ice Cream This is the Spoon children a few years ago! Teen was ½, Boy was 1/3, and Girl was 1/4. Girl is ready for a growth spurt now! 1/2 1/3 1/4 Pages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl FactoryPages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory Spoon Art by Teacher’s Clip ArtSpoon Art by Teacher’s Clip Art
1212 1/ 2 Denominator: the 2 tells into how many parts the whole has been divided (bottom number) Numerator: the 1 tells how many of the equal parts we are talking about (top number) halves Pages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl FactoryPages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory Spoon Art by Teacher’s Clip ArtSpoon Art by Teacher’s Clip Art
thirds Denominator: the 3 tells into how many parts the whole has been divided (bottom number) Numerator: the 1 tells how many of the equal parts we are talking about (top number) Pages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl FactoryPages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory Spoon Art by Teacher’s Clip ArtSpoon Art by Teacher’s Clip Art
fourths A quarter is another way of saying one- fourth. A 25-cent coin is called a quarter because it is one-fourth of a dollar. Denominator: the 4 tells into how many parts the whole has been divided (bottom number) Numerator: the 1 tells how many of the equal parts we are talking about (top number) ¢ Pages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl FactoryPages by Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory Spoon Art by Teacher’s Clip ArtSpoon Art by Teacher’s Clip Art
halves 1 2
thirds 1313
fourths 1414
Fraction Creature Art Idea My creature is 7/12 green and 5/12 purple. Using square pieces of paper as small as 1” X 1”, design a creature with two colors and label the fractions.