13th year of teaching I grew up in Pecan Grove and attended Fort Bend schools I have 3 children, my son Brantley (3), my daughter Harper (1), and my stepson Dub (9)
*Solid khaki, black or navy bottoms *Navy, white, light blue, red or white plain polo type shirt *Dickinson or 2 nd grade shirt and jeans on Fridays
*Please send a note or call the office in case of a transportation change. *Please no s because I don’t always get to them during the school day
*Cupcakes, cookies, or cookie cake may be sent. Must be store bought! Please precut cookie cakes. *Summer birthday kids can celebrate on their ½ birthday.
7:50 – 8:20 Dolphin Time 8:20 – 9:15 Language 9:15 – 10:15 Reading 10:15 – 10:25 Social Studies 10:25 – 11:15 Specials/Conference 11:20 – 12:20 Lunch/Recess 12:20 – 12:45 Social Studies 12:45 – 1:45 Math 1:45 – 2:30 Science 2:30 – 2:40 Pack Up/Dismissal
Our lunch is 11:20- 11:50 Table 6 If your child forgot their lunch and you bring it, take it and place it in the 2 nd grade box inside the cafeteria
We eat snack around 1:00. Please send snacks that do not require a spoon Nothing to drink except water
*Students should read every night for minutes. (this will not be written daily on the hw page) *Please check your child’s homework sheets daily (written on the board daily) *Sign hw sheet in binder *Spelling and math weekly (1 spelling writing activity and weekly math page due Fridays, all other math pages due the next day)
*If your child does not color the box or if it’s colored green, they had a great day *If your child has a color change I will write the codes in the box *Every 3 weeks the students can get coupons for having no color changes (lunch buddy, stinky feet, show and tell, etc…)
Daily Grades –8 per 9 weeks Test Grades – 3 per 9 weeks
* Spelling Test over 10 words each Friday. Check newsletter on website for the words. *All spelling tests will be averaged together for one language grade at the end of the 9 weeks
Students must know their addition/subtracti on facts. (addition with sums up to 20 and subtraction with minuends 20 and below) Please practice nightly.
*Library day is Thursday. Students must have both books in order to check out new ones and make a 80, 90, or 100% on the AR tests. AR goals: Sep – 2, Oct -4, Nov – 3, Dec – 2, Jan – 4, Feb – 4, Mar – 3, April – 5, May – 2 Splashday 35 *Students earn free dress when the monthly goal is met. A note will be sent home the day before if they earned it.
Monday- Art Tuesday-PE Wednesday-PE Thursday-Music Friday-PE * On days we have PE please no sandals or boots
Parent volunteers needed to plan and coordinate our Christmas and End of the Year parties.
*Volunteers needed for school wide events – Field Day, Library, and AR Celebration. *Volunteers needed to provide teacher snacks for 2 nd grade team meetings each Tuesday.
We will be going to Dewberry Farms on October 22. If you want to attend please send $7.00. (a note will be sent home soon)
Any craft items for our Makerspace roject/download/ roject/download/ Colored index cards Gel Pens Electric Pencil Sharpener
*Remember to sign up for Remind by to 81010