Dr. Lewis D. Ferebee, Superintendent Dr. Wanda H. Legrand, Deputy Superintendent for Academics GRADE CONFIGURATIONS May 29, 2015
overview Current Configurations & Enrollment Middle Years Achievement Changes Future Considerations Call to Action 3
configurations Pre-K Only 1 School Pre-K - 4 th Grade 1 School Pre-K - 6 th Grade 19 Schools Pre-K - 8 th Grade 5 Schools K - 6 th Grade 18 Schools K - 8 th Grade 4 Schools K - 12 th Grade 1 School 2 nd - 8 th Grade 1 School 6 th - 12 th Grade 2 Schools 7 th - 8 th Grade 1 School 7 th - 12 th Grade 3 Schools 9 th - 12 th Grade 2 Schools 4
enrollment with middle years ConfigurationSchool NameES StudentsMS StudentsHS Students Pre-K - 8 th GradeCenter for Inquiry III33937 Pre-K - 8 th GradeFrancis W. Parker28632 Pre-K - 8 th Grade Frederick Douglas “SUPER” School Pre-K - 8 th GradeGeorge W. Carver30326 Pre-K - 8 th GradeRousseau McClellan43161 K - 8 th GradeCenter for Inquiry30769 K - 8 th GradeCenter for Inquiry II31563 K - 8 th GradeDaniel Webster36970 K - 8 th GradeJames A. Garfield59648 K - 12 th GradeKey Learning Community nd - 8 th GradeSidener Academy
enrollment with middle years ConfigurationSchool NameMS StudentsHS Students 7 th - 8 th GradeHarshman MS558N/A 6 th - 12 th GradeBroad Ripple HS th - 12 th GradeCrispus Attucks HS th - 12 th GradeGeorge Washington HS th - 12 th GradeJohn Marshall HS th - 12 th GradeNorthwest HS
middle years achievement K - 8 th Grade Schools Better Overall Achievement in ELA & Math Harshman MS Greater Passing Rates than Key Learning & 7 th - 12 th Grade Schools 7
middle years research School Climate Environment Collaboration Organizational Structures Interdisciplinary Teams Scheduling Advisory Periods Instructional Practices Academic Support Professional Development 8
changes 6 th - 12 th Grade to 9 th - 12 th Grade Shortridge HS 7 th - 12 th Grade Arlington HS K - 8 th Grade to K - 6 th Grade James W. Riley School 43 K - 8 th Grade to K - 6 th Grade Robert L. Frost School 106 9
considerations Change HS or ES Facility to MS Facility Relocate Key Learning Community & Longfellow Programs for MS Expand K-8 Offerings
magnet considerations Transition to high school choice model Replicate high performing/demand programs Explore more attractive and research proven models
review Current Configurations & Enrollment Middle Years Achievement Changes Future Considerations Call to Action Approval to create draft plan implementation Community input 12