JobsLive Career Management System Session 1: Getting started with making APPOINTMENTS and booking EVENTS
JobsLive Career Management System How to book for a Quick Query appointment Booking Careers Service EVENTS Setting up a personalised “Careers Calendar” Setting yourself reminders
How to book for a Quick Query appointment with JobsLive Quick Query appointments are 20 minute sessions with a Careers Adviser to discuss whatever you like You can only book for a “Quick Query” on the day that you want to see someone You can book “Quick Queries” more quickly if you REGISTER with JobsLive beforehand Book from 09:00 for appointments in the morning (10:30 – 12:30) Book from 12:30 for appointments in the afternoon (13:30 – 16:30)
Booking a Quick Query appointment with JobsLive Go to Jobslive and then do the following:Jobslive If you have registered, login as this will allow you to book more quickly! Select ‘View Careers Calendar’ from the menu, followed by ‘Show regular activities’ Select morning or afternoon from the menu Click on the day that you want (you can only book on the day!), if there are no time slots appearing, then there are no free appointments for that session. Fill in your details and select the time You have now made an appointment for a Quick Query, please be sure to arrive in plenty of time
Booking a Quick Query appointment with JobsLive …and remember! Please ensure that you arrive in plenty of time, reminders are NOT sent for Quick Query appointments. If you are late we cannot guarantee that you will have the full 20 minutes!
Booking Careers Service EVENTS with JobsLive