Heady Hill Surgery PPG Survey Here are the results of the survey carried out at the surgery. Thank you to all who took the time to fill one in. Results will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Who did you see at the surgery today?
Did you find it easy to get an appointment?
In the reception area, can other patients over hear what you say?
How helpful do you find the Reception Staff?
In the past 6 months how easy have you found the following? Getting through on the phone?
In the past 6 months, have you tried to book ahead for an appointment with a doctor? By ‘booking ahead’ we mean an appointment more than 2 full days in advance?
Are you satisfied with the open hours of the surgery?
Would you like your surgery open at additional times?
Other (please Specify) Just for convenience Wednesday All Day Maybe Saturday am Only through convenience for after work- but I am pleased with hours now too. Possibly 1 lunchtime a week. Saturday Mornings Saturdays please
Are there any changes you can suggest to improve the surgery and how we work? Not really – I feel this is an excellent practice with exceptional staff and caring service- THANK YOU! No I have never had any complaint since being registered with Dr Wood for the past 17 years. My old Dr’s surgery and GP was horrendous –you guys are great. I’m pleased + grateful to be registered here. Being able to answer phone at 9am when it says it’s open & to be able to book an appointment for the day after if I cannot get in on the day I phone No
Any other comments? As Above No Open Wednesday afternoon Well done/ I’m happy and confident in the treatment and advice I receive and believe my care here at the surgery is second to none. I encourage my family and friends to register here! I tried to get this appointment for 3 weeks. I can only have a morning appointment because I work in the afternoon. Overall I think the surgery and doctors are great and very accommodating. No