Step 1: To make a request for advice via Choose and book: Select Advice from within the * Request Type box
Step 2: Select Priority, the required Specialty and Clinic Type, Click Search Primary Care Button
Step 3: Select the required Stockport Orthopaedic Triage Service from the list and press request
Step 4: Type the advice you require within the yellow box, you are able to add attachments here. DO NOT ADD A REFERRAL LETTER
Step 5: This is a warning to remind you that if you do add an attachment it MUST not be the referral letter.
Step 6:This is how your request will look on screen. You have the option to print this page if you wish too. Press close
Step 7: Your request for Advice will show as A&G ( advice & guidance) on the patients activity list
This is how the clinician will see the request and write his advice
Step 8: How to access your response: From your “ filter by worklist column” select Advice & Guidance” This screen shots shows you there is one response waiting to be read
Step 9: Click on the patients UBRN, action box appears, select “ View Advice Request” You also have the option to close and update the request from this page( should you need to make a referral)
Step 10. The response to your request, this shows both the request made, and the advice given
Step 11. If your Advice also has an attachment returned with it, it will appear as above. Click on the document name to open
Should a referral be required after the response to your request, then this can be done in two ways The UBRN has already been created with the request for advice, so you will be able to click on the UBRN from within your Activity list,(this will show as A&G response within the referral status column) from the Actions box select “Update advice request”. From here you will proceed to make a booking in the usual way, even though you are using the same UBRN you must still add the required referral letter. The other option is to select the patients UBRN from the “ Advice and Guidance” worklist. From the actions box select “ update advice request” and book an appointment in the usual way, You must remember to add the referral letter. The response to your request is not the referral letter. To cancel the request from your “ Advice and guidance “worklist, click on the patients UBRN and select “ Close advice request” from the Actions box. You will be asked again to select Close advice. Any problems please contact Wendy Morrell on