Concept Map © 2010 Project Lead The Way, Inc.Civil Engineering and Architecture
What Is Concept Mapping? A graphic organizer that shows relationships among connected concepts and ideas.
Concept Map Building Identify Focus Question Brainstorm Organize Layout Link Finalize
Identify Focus Question EXAMPLE What do you know about global climate change?
Brainstorm Emission Recycling Fossil fuels Natural phenomenon Humans Energy usage Environmental laws Scientific evidence Rising Sea Levels Warming oceans Reduced habitat Scientific argument CLIMATE CHANGE - Concepts
Organize CLIMATE CHANGE - Concepts
Layout Main Concept Major Concept Minor
Layout Main Topic Major Concept Minor Major Concept Minor Major Concept Minor
Finalize CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS HUMANS Population Increase Warming Oceans Melting Glaciers Political Action Groups Rising Sea Levels Increased Demand for Energy Reduced Emissions Carbon Taxes Recycling Greenhouse Gases Fossil Fuels such as result in influenced by affected by supported by such as NATURAL PROCESSES affected by such as burn cause create help by Volcanic Eruption Sun’s Intensity Earth’s Orbit SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE such as managed by
References White, H. (2010). How to Construct a Concept Map. Retrieved March 11,2010 at ml.