Jet-Met November-7-2002 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Run Selection for p11 data -August-October = Post-Mixing Data, -Runs 161972 to 166782, p11.11, p11.12,


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Presentation transcript:

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Run Selection for p11 data -August-October = Post-Mixing Data, -Runs to , p11.11, p11.12, p Studies of the data are presented, Store by Store, Run by Run File by File (i.e. root file by root file) Data, from mid-August to end of October

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris We start after the fix of Calo bunch mixing. Run , and go up to October 25th: Run  39 stores During this period: 395 Lumi runs / 64 Millions evt Studied Files (root-tuples) about 1-few Lumi-block each (2500 evts each).  33.9 Million Events / 203 Reconstructed runs Corresponding to a delivered LUMI: 17.7 pb -1 recorded 13.2 pb -1 Live fraction 76.0% The rest is not reconstructed with p11. Info presented on 214 runs: 33.3 Mevts / 12.3 pb -1 p11.11/12 Data, mid-August to end October

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Overview: MET, Hot cells, SET MET: 1 entry per file. August to October. Hot cells sometimes correlated to high MET 39 stores, visible in mean scalar E T also in RMS

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Overview: MET-x, MET-y Rms(MET-x) : 1 entry per file. Relatively stable : huge variations +/- 5 GeV Same story for MET-y

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Overview: MET-x, MET-y How to select runs? No clear separation on RMS (MET-x) or y Anisotropy of the calo response due to warm zones creates strong x-y offsets. Offset can be removed “by hand” (cf W x-sec kado/zitoun), but how to keep the event consistent??? Same story for MET-y

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris A closer look : MET, Hot cells 4 stores in October (1828, 30, 32, 34) Hot cells: 1.5/event Compared to 4 stores at end of August (1686, 87, 89, 91)

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris A closer look : MET-x 4 stores in October (1828, 30, 32, 34) Compared to 4 stores at end of August (1686, 87, 89, 91)

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris A closer look : Scalar E T 4 stores in October (1828, 30, 32, 34) We see the changes of prescales, not the direct influence of lumi decrease 4 stores at end of August (1686, 87, 89, 91)

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris A closer look : MET-x 4 stores in October (1828, 30, 32, 34) Not only the shapes are different, but the rms is also larger when there is a shaky behaviour. (also true in Met-y) 4 stores at end of August (1686, 87, 89, 91)

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good Run definition Only Runs with >= 1000 events are considered. (203 runs to start with) Define MET-xy = sqrt [ (MET-x) 2 +(MET-y) 2 ] GOOD RUN: 1) require MET-xy < 3 GeV in at least 75% of the events of the run, and all events must have MET-xy < 5 GeV 2) Require mean scalar E T between 90 and 150 GeV We keep 123 good runs ( 60% of the total statistics, about 8.5 pb -1 ) Possibility to reject on a file by file base, since each file is lumi- block consistent  only 20% rejected. Same story for MET-y

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good Runs: MET, Hot cells, SET MET: 1 entry per file. August to October. Hot cells sometimes correlated to high MET 39 stores, more regular, still visible in mean scalar E T also in RMS

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good Runs: MET, Hot cells, SET MET: 1 entry per run: 123 runs selected August to October. Regularity improves with time.

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good runs: MET-x, MET-y 1 entry per file. Rms(MET-x) : Relatively stable : variations have been reduced Same story for MET-y

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good runs: MET-x, MET-y 1 entry per run Rms(MET-x) : Relatively stable : systematically shifted by about +1-2 GeV closer to 0. Sometimes correlation between large offset and large RMS

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good runs : MET-x, MET-y 1 entry per file (9127 files for the 123 good runs) bumps are removed by the run selection criteria. Shift in x worse than in y. RMS also larger in x than in y.

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good runs : MET, SET Dispersion in MET and SET diminished. Same story for rms.

Jet-Met November G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Conclusions “Warm zones” create problems to the missing E T, rendering the run selection delicate. Problem is amplified with the “soft” 2.5 sigma cut (let alone the famous 1.5 sigma…), so situation will naturally become easier with the “hard 2.5” of p13. To save Lumi, it is possible to provide in addition to the current Run selection, a file by file selection (one file = one lumi block in stable conditions). Currently we have 8.5 pb -1 of data which can be used w/o further correction. The additional 4 pb -1 have a MET offset too large to be used w/o a “recentering” function.