SE National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) SCTP Network Meeting 28 July 2011
2 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 SE NAS update July 2011 Policy Change & Update Period 10 Performance Marketing Activities Apprenticeship Vacancies Update
3 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Support for Employers An employer is eligible for a European Social Fund Grant if:- The Apprentice start has previously been on one of the ESF training courses and Skills Support for the Unemployed (SSU) ; and They employ between 1 – 249 employees; and They have not previously engaged in Apprenticeships or there has been a period of 12 months since the last Apprenticeship ended; and; or Have an Apprenticeship Programme but can confirm additionality; and Satisfy State Aid Regulations The recruited person must be aged between 18-24: and They must be employed for 35 hours per week, including off the job training, for the duration of their Apprenticeship programme
4 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Support for Employers The Grant will take the form of two payments up to a maximum of £2,500 for every new Apprenticeship start who meets the eligibility criteria. The amount of the Grant support will be determined by the starting wage at the time of the first claim i.e. £149 or less = £2,000 (2 payments of £1,000) £150 and £240 = £2,250 (2 payments of £1,000 and £1,250) £241 or more = £2,500 (2 payments £1,000 and £1,500) Payments are due on the completion of 6 weeks (42 days) from the start of the Apprenticeship and on the completion of 26 weeks into the Apprenticeship should they remain on the programme. A maximum number of 342 grants are available through 13 training providers contracted to deliver SSU. NAS will be procuring for further Apprenticeship activity including progression, NEET and access to apprenticeship type activity. Details will be available shortly.
5 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 WorldSkills UK and London 2011 Update cycle of competitions Selection Event for London 2011 Visiting at London 2011 Have a Go’ Regional Skills Festival
6 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Training Agencies (ATAs) Letter sent to all providers requesting ATA activity ATA Framework ATA evaluation
SE NAS P10 Performance Update
8 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 South East Apprenticeship Starts as at 2010/11 P10 Starts End of Year Target Cumulative P10 Actual % at P10 Achieved ,10213,27282% ,02716,06584% 25+7,97215,994201% All Ages43,10145,331105%
9 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Starts as at 2010/11 P10 Sussex Ageband Local Authority of learner All ages Sussex 2,1212,7092,9867,816 South East Region Total: 13,27216,06515,99445,331
SE NAS Marketing Activities Update
11 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Marketing Activities 100 Campaigns Update (as at 17th June) Isle of Wight 111 To date we have received 102 pledges and of these 25 places are filled, the campaign is due to finish in November. A slightly different format with this campaign in that it will be 111 Apprentice places in Swale Year of the Apprentice Launched at the end of May and have already received 74 pledges. This campaign is being managed by KATO. Test Valley 111 Launched on 8th June and we have already received 78 pledges with a large majority of these being from Carillion. A slightly different format with this campaign in that it will be 111 Apprentice places in 2011, finishing in November. Eastbourne 100 Launched on 20th May we received 38 pledges on the day and are already at 103 pledges, the aim now is the reach 200 pledges within the 100 days.
12 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Marketing Activities 100 Campaign Update continued (as of 17 th June) Completed Campaigns Guildford 100 Within the 100 days we have received 104 pledges and of these 26 places are filled. Oxford 100 Within the 100 days we have received 182 pledges and of these 21 places are filled. Reading 100 Within the 100 days we have received 166 pledges and of these 78 places are filled. Southampton 100 Within the 100 days we have received 183 pledges and of these 108 places are filled. Thank you to all those that took part and please remember to keep us up to date with the start figures.
SE NAS Apprenticeship Vacancies Update
14 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Vacancies Update Release 5 Go live scheduled for 6th July pending successful testing Wash up webinar sessions will be arranged after go live to cater for providers who may have missed the briefing sessions User guides will be updated and loaded onto
15 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Vacancies Update Subcontracting arrangements No formal system changes will take place until the Autumn Please contact the Av team for more information on supporting your subcontractors use of Av
16 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Vacancies Update SASE Framework updates SASE compliant frameworks are being added to Av weekly and your super users will have been notified Please ensure you check and update your profiles regularly to ensure it accurately reflects your delivery offer Employers and NAS ESMs rely on the information advertised on Av to make referrals and source provision If it’s not up to date, you could miss out on enquiries! For more information please contact
17 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Apprenticeship Vacancies usage figures as at 18/07/2011 National 841,592 registered candidates 9,581 vacancies SE Region 110,263 registered candidates 1,274 vacancies Sussex 18,922 registered candidates 166 vacancies
18 SCTP Network Meeting - Thursday 28th July 2011 Questions